
Esperanto Phrases (Common Expressions)

Duration: 30 min

This section contains 400 of the most used phrases in Esperanto. This should help you improve your speaking, reading and writing. Exploring the whole list will make it easier to start conversations and understand what was said to you. I divided this section into 4 pages, the first 100 are listed on this page, then the rest here: phrases 2, phrases 3, phrases 4. Each page contains 100 common expressions. Going through each page should take about 30 min. Make sure to read the pronunciation and hear the audio as well. If you have any question about this course, please email me directly at Esperanto Classes.

Phrases Tips

To make sure you are more likely to remember each expression, try to first to read the sentence without hearing it, then click to hear how it is prnounced, then read it out loud 3 times while imagining yourself vividly talking to somone. Also try to practice what you memorized from time to time, to make it stick.

Here are the first 100 common phrases. You will find a lot of them are about greeting someone, introducing yourself or asking where someone is from ... etc. Basically, these are expressions which you might use when starting a conversation with someone you have just met.

Phrases in Esperanto

Phrases Esperanto Audio
How are you? (informal)Kiel vi fartas?
How are you? (formal)Kiel vi fartas?
What's up? (colloquial) Kio okazas?
I'm fine, thank you!Mi bonfartas, dankon!
Good morning!Bonan matenon!
Good afternoon!Bonan tagon!
Good evening!Bonan vesperon!
And you? (informal)Kaj vi?
And you? (formal)Kaj vi?
We speak two languagesNi parolas du lingvojn
They speak four languagesIli parolas kvar lingvojn
I visited one countryMi vizitis unu landon
She visited three countriesŜi vizitis tri landojn
She has one sisterŜi havas unu fratinon
He has two sistersLi havas du fratinojn
Do you like it here?Ĉu vi ŝatas esti tie?
See you later!Ĝis poste!
Thank you very much!Tre koran dankon!
I really like it!Mi vere ŝatas ĝin!
Thank you!Dankon!
You're welcome! (in response to "thank you")Ne dankinde
Have a nice day!Havu agrablan tagon!
Good night!Bonan nokton!
Have a good trip!Bonan vojagxon!
It was nice talking to you!Estis agrable, paroli kun vi!
Am I right or wrong?Ĉu mi pravas aŭ malpravas?
Is he younger or older than you?Ĉu li estas plu juna aŭ plu maljuna ol vi?
Is the test easy or difficult?Ĉu la testo estas facila aŭ malfacila?
Is this book new or old?Ĉu tiu estas nova aŭ malnova libro?
This is so expensiveTio estas tro multekosta

More Sentences

English Esperanto Audio
I don't speak KoreanMi ne parolas la korea
I love the Japanese languageMi amas Japana Lingvo
I speak ItalianMi parolas la italan lingvon
I want to learn SpanishMi volas lerni la Hispanan lingvon
My mother tongue is GermanMia denaska lingvo estas la germana
Spanish is easy to learnHispana estas facxila por lerni
He has a Moroccan rugLi havas unuan morokan tapisxeton
I have an American carMian automobilo estas amerikana
I love French cheeseMi amas la franca fromagxio
I'm ItalianMi estas Itala
My father is GreekMian Patro estas Greka
My wife is KoreanMian edzino estas Korean
Have you ever been to India?Ĉu vi iam estis en Hindio?
I came from SpainMi venas de Hispanio
I live in AmericaMi vivas en Ameriko
I want to go to GermanyMi volas iri al Germanio
I was born in ItalyMi naskiĝis en Italio
Japan is a beautiful countryJapanio estas bela lando
Long time no seeDum longa tempo nenia renkonto
I missed youVi mankis al mi
What's new?Kio novas?
Nothing newNenio nova
Make yourself at home!Faru al vi hejme!
Have a good tripHavu bonan vojaĝon
Can I practice Italian with you?Cxu mi povas prakti italian kun vi?
I speak French but with an accentMi parolas la franca sed kun akcento
I was born in MiamiMi naskigxis en Miami
I'm from JapanMi estas el Japanio
The letter is inside the bookLa letero estas en la libro
The pen is under the deskLa plumo estas sub la skribotablo
Can I help you?Ĉu mi povas helpi vin?
Can you help me?Ĉu vi povas helpi min?
Can you show me?Ĉu vi povas montri al mi?
Come with me!Venu kun mi!
Downtown (city center)Urbocentro
Excuse me! (to ask someone)Pardonu!
Go straightIru rekten
How can I get to the museum? Kiamaniere mi povas atingi la muzeon?
How long does it take to get there?Kiom longe oni bezonas ĝis tien?
I'm lostmi perdiĝis
I'm not from hereMi ne estas de ĉi-tie
It's far from hereTio estas malproksime cxi tie
It's near hereTio estas proksime Cxi tie
One moment please!Unu momenton, mi petas!
Turn leftTurnu maldekstren
Turn rightTurnu dekstren


If you have any questions, please contact me using the Esperanto contact form on the header above.

Here are the rest of the Esperanto phrases: phrases 2, phrases 3, phrases 4. You can also simply click on one of the links below or go back to our Learn Esperanto homepage.