
Japanese Lesson 2 (Adjectives and Food)

Duration: 30 mins

This second lesson teaches many important aspect in Japanese like adjectives, vocabulary list about food and finally common phrases about greeting. I will try to give examples using both vocabulary and grammar. That way it will be easy for you to see the words when they are separate and when they are in a sentence. Going through the whole page should take about 30 min. Make sure to read the pronunciation and hear the audio as well. If you have any question about this course, please email me directly at Japanese Classes.


Knowing adjectives in Japanese is a powerful skill. It can make it easy to have a conversation about different topics by simply knowing some key words such as "good", "bad", "right", "wrong" etc. Adjectives are words used to describe or modify another person or thing in the sentence for example: I am happy. Japanese is easy.

Below is a list of 20 adjectives that you might come across or use very often. The table contains 3 columns (English, Japanese, and Audio). Make sure you repeat each word after hearing it by either clicking on the audio button or by reading the pronunciation. That should help with memorization as well as improving your pronunciation.

Adjectives List in Japanese

Adjectives Japanese Audio
Tall背の高い [se no takai]
Short短い [mijikai]
Big大きい [ookii]
Wide広い [hiroi]
Long長い [nagai]
Small小さい [chiisai]
Thick厚い [atsui]
Thin薄い [usui]
New新しい [atarasii]
Old (opposite of new)古い(新しいの反語) [furui (atarashii no hango)]
Cheap安い [yasui]
Expensive高い [takai]
Young若い [wakai]
Old (opposite of young)年よりの(若いの反語) [toshiyori no (wakai no hango)]
Wrong間違った [machigat ta]
Right (correct)正しい [tadasii]
Good良い [yoi]
Bad悪い [warui]
Difficult難しい [muzukasii]
Easy簡単な [kantan na]

Now we will try to implement some of the words above into full Japanese sentences. That way you will be able to use the word not only by itself but embedded in a structure.

Japanese Adjectives in a Sentence

English Japanese Audio
Am I right or wrong?私は正しい、それとも間違っている? [Watashi wa tadasii, soretomo machigatte iru?]
Is he younger or older than you?彼はあなたより若い、それとも年寄? [Kare wa anata yori wakai, soretomo tosiyori?]
Is the test easy or difficult?そのテストは簡単、それとも難しい? [Sono tesuto wa kantan, soretomo mutsukasii?]
Is this book new or old?これは新書、それとも古本? [Kore wa shinsho, soretomo furuhon?]
This is so expensive非常に高価です。 [Hijyou ni kouka desu.]


If you have any questions, please contact me If you simply want to ask a question, please Japanese contact form on the header above.

Vocabulary List about Food

Below is a list of 50 words related to food such as fruits, vegetables and edible items. If you can memorize them by heart, you will be able to buy many food necessities from the supermarket or off the menu in a restaurant without a problem.

Food List in Japanese

Food Japanese Audio
Breakfast朝食 [chou shoku]
Lunch昼食 [chuu shoku]
Dinner夕食 [yuushoku]
Meal食事 [shokuji]
Applesリンゴ [ringo]
Avocadosアボカド [abokado]
Bananasバナナ [banana]
Beans豆 [mame]
Breadパン [pan]
Butterバター [batā]
Carrots 人参 [ninjin]
Cheeseチーズ [chīzu]
Chicken鶏肉 [toriniku]
Coffeeコーヒー [kōhī]
Cornとうもろこし [toumorokoshi]
Cucumbersキューリ [kyuuri]
Eggs卵 [tamago]
Figsいちじく [ichijiku]
Fish魚 [sakana]
Food食品 [shokuhin]
Fruitフルーツ [furūtsu]
Garlicにんにく [nin-niku]
Grapesぶどう [budou]
Ice creamアイスクリーム [aisukuriimu]
Lemonsレモン [remon]
Lettuceレタス [retasu]
Meat肉 [niku]
Milk牛乳 [gyuunyuu]
Olivesオリーブ [oriibu]
Onionsタマネギ、玉葱 [tamanegi]
Orange juiceオレンジ ジュース [orenji jyuusu]
Orangesオレンジ [orenji]
Peaches桃 [momo]
Pears梨 [nasi]
Peppersコショウ [koshoo]
Pineapplesパイナップル [painappuru]
Pizzaピザ [piza]
Potatoesジャガイモ [jagaimo]
Pumpkinカボチャ [kabocha]
Saladサラダ [sarada]
Salt塩 [shio]
Sandwichサンドイッチ [sandoicchi]
Soda (like Coke)ソーダ(コカコーラのような) [sooda (kokakohra no youna)]
Strawberriesいちご [ichigo]
Sugar砂糖 [satoo]
Teaお茶 [ocha]
Tomatoesトマト [tomato]
Vegetables野菜 [yasai]
Water水 [mizu]
Watermelon西瓜 [suika]

Daily Conversation in Japanese

Finally, a list of sentences If you simply want to ask a question, please vocabulary used in this lesson plus some bonus phrases. For a complete list of commonly used sentences, please visit our Japanese Phrases page. Enjoy!

Common Expressions in Japanese

English Japanese Audio
Are you thirsty?あなたはのどが渇きましたか? [Anata wa nodo ga kawaki masita ka?]
I'm hungry私はお腹が空きました。 [Watashi wa onaka ga suki masita.]
Do you have a bottle of water?あなたはボトルの水を持っていますか? [Anata wa botoru no mizu wo motte imasuka?]
Breakfast is ready朝食が用意できました。 [Choushoku ga youi dekimashita.]
What kind of food do you like?あなたはどんな食べ物が好きですか? [Anata wa don-na tabemono ga suki desuka?]
I like cheese私はチーズが好きです。 [Watasi wa chiizu ga suki desu.]
Bananas taste sweetバナナは甘い味がします。 [Banana wa amai aji ga simasu.]
I don't like cucumber私はキューリがきらいです。 [Watasi wa kyuuri ga kirai desu.]
I like bananas私はバナナが好きです。 [Watasi wa banana ga suki desu.]
Lemons taste sourレモンは酸っぱい味がします。 [Remon wa suppai aji ga simasu.]
This fruit is deliciousこの果物はおいしいです。 [Kono kudamono wa oisii desu.]
Vegetables are healthy野菜は健康にいいです。 [Yasai wa kenkou ni iidesu.]
Hi!今日は! [Kon-nichi wa!]
Good morning!お早ようございます! [Ohayoo gozaimasu!]
Good afternoon!今日は! [Kon nichi wa!]
Good evening!今晩は! [Konban wa!]
Welcome!ようこそ! [Youkoso!]
How are you? (informal)お元気ですか? [O genki desu ka?]
How are you? (formal)いかがお過ごしですか? [Ikaga o sugoshi desu ka?]
What's up? (colloquial) どうだい? [Dou dai?]
I'm fine, thank you!元気です。どうも [Genki desu, doumo]
And you? (informal)あなたは? [Anata wa?]
And you? (formal)あなたは、いかがですか? [Anata wa ikagadesuka?]
Goodいいですよ [Iidesu yo]

Fun Facts

Language Quote that a palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of characters which reads the same backward or forward. Allowances may be made for adjustments to capital letters, punctuation, and word dividers.

Congratulations! You finished your second lesson in Japanese about adjectives, and food. Are you ready for the next lesson? We recommend Japanese Lesson 3. You can also simply click on one of the links below or go back to our Learn Japanese homepage.