
Indonesian Phrases (Common Expressions)

Duration: 30 min

This section contains 400 of the most used phrases in Indonesian. This should help you improve your speaking, reading and writing. Exploring the whole list will make it easier to start conversations and understand what was said to you. I divided this section into 4 pages, the first 100 are listed on this page, then the rest here: phrases 2, phrases 3, phrases 4. Each page contains 100 common expressions. Going through each page should take about 30 min. Make sure to read the pronunciation and hear the audio as well. If you have any question about this course, please email me directly at Indonesian Classes.

Phrases Tips

To make sure you are more likely to remember each expression, try to first to read the sentence without hearing it, then click to hear how it is prnounced, then read it out loud 3 times while imagining yourself vividly talking to somone. Also try to practice what you memorized from time to time, to make it stick.

Here are the first 100 common phrases. You will find a lot of them are about greeting someone, introducing yourself or asking where someone is from ... etc. Basically, these are expressions which you might use when starting a conversation with someone you have just met.

Phrases in Indonesian

Phrases Indonesian Audio
How are you? (informal)Apa khabar?/Apa kabar?
How are you? (formal)Apa khabar?/Apa kabar?
What's up? (colloquial) Gimana?
I'm fine, thank you!Baik, terima kasih
Good morning!Selamat pagi
Good afternoon!Selamat siang
Good evening!Selamat sore/malam
And you? (informal)Dan Anda?
And you? (formal)Dan Anda?/kamu?
We speak two languagesKami berbicara dua bahasa
They speak four languagesMereka berbicara empat bahasa
I visited one countrySaya berkunjung satu negara
She visited three countriesDia berkunjung tiga negara
She has one sisterDia memiliki satu saudara perempuan
He has two sistersDia memiliki dua saudara perempuan
Welcome!Selamat datang
Do you like it here?Apakah Anda senang di sini?
See you later!Sampai nanti!
Thank you very much!Terima kasih banyak!
I really like it!Saya sangat menyukainya
Happybahagia /gembira
Thank you!Terima kasih!
You're welcome! (in response to "thank you")Kembali/Sama-sama
Have a nice day!
Good night!Selamat malam!
Have a good trip!Selamat jalan
It was nice talking to you!Senang berbicara dengan Anda.
Am I right or wrong?Apakah saya benar atau salah?
Is he younger or older than you?Apakah dia lebih mudah atau lebih tua daripada Anda?
Is the test easy or difficult?Apakah ujian / tes sulit atau mudah/gampang?
Is this book new or old?Apakah ini buku baru atau lama?
This is so expensiveIni terlalu mahal.

More Sentences

English Indonesian Audio
I don't speak Korean
I love the Japanese language
I speak Italian
I want to learn Spanish
My mother tongue is GermanBahasa Ibu saya adalah Jerman
Spanish is easy to learn
He has a Moroccan rugdia memiliki permadani dari Maroko
I have an American carSaya memiliki mobil Amerika
I love French cheeseSaya suka keju Prancis
I'm ItalianSaya orang Italia
My father is GreekAyah saya orang Yunani
My wife is KoreanIstri saya orang Korea
Have you ever been to India?Pernahkah Anda ke India?
I came from SpainSaya datang dari Spanyol
I live in AmericaSaya tinggal di Amerika
I want to go to GermanySaya ingin pergi ke Jerman
I was born in ItalySaya lahir di Italia
Japan is a beautiful countryJepang adalah negara yang indah
Long time no see
I missed youKangen
What's new?Bagaimana?
Nothing newBiasa-biasa saja
Make yourself at home!
Have a good tripSelamat jalan
Can I practice Italian with you?Bolehkah saya berlatih bahasa italia dengan Anda?
I speak French but with an accent
I was born in MiamiSaya lahir di Miami
I'm from JapanSaya berasal dari Jepang
The letter is inside the booksurat berada di dalam buku
The pen is under the deskpena berada di bawah meja tulis
DirectionsPetunjuk Arah
Can I help you?Boleh saya bantu?
Can you help me?Bisa saya dibantu?/ Bisa membantu saya?
Can you show me?Bisa ditunjukkan?
Come with me!Ikuti saya.
Downtown (city center)Pusat kota
Excuse me! (to ask someone)Permisi.
Go straightTerus
How can I get to the museum? Jalan ke musium lewat mana?
How long does it take to get there?Untuk ke sana perlu waktu berapa lama?
I'm lostSaya tersesat.
I'm not from hereSaya bukan dari sini.
It's far from hereJauh dari sini.
It's near hereDekat dari sini.
One moment please!Tunggu sebentar.
Turn leftBelok kiri
Turn rightBelok kanan


If you have any questions, please contact me using the Indonesian contact form on the header above.

Here are the rest of the Indonesian phrases: phrases 2, phrases 3, phrases 4. You can also simply click on one of the links below or go back to our Learn Indonesian homepage.