
Indonesian Lesson 17 (Comparative and Shopping)

Duration: 30 mins

This 17th lesson teaches the comparative form in Indonesian. In addition, I am including a vocabulary list about shopping and eating at a restaurant. I will try to give examples using both vocabulary and grammar. That way it will be easy for you to see the words when they are separate and when they are in a sentence. Going through the whole page should take about 30 min. Make sure to read the pronunciation and hear the audio as well. If you have any question about this course, please email me directly at Indonesian Classes.


This lesson includes not only the comparative form but the superlative and the diminutive forms as well. That way you make comparisons, but also you can say what is better and what is worse.

Below is a list of 20 comparative forms that you might come across or use very often. The table contains 3 columns (English, Indonesian, and Audio). Make sure you repeat each word after hearing it by either clicking on the audio button or by reading the pronunciation. That should help with memorization as well as improving your pronunciation.

Comparative Form in Indonesian

Comparative Indonesian Audio
As... asse...
TallerLebih tinggi
ShorterLebih pendek
YoungerLebih muda
OlderLebih tua
As tall as Setinggi or sama tinggi dengan
Taller thanLebih tinggi dari
Shorter thanLebih pendek dari
More beautifulLebih cantik/indah.
Less beautifulKurang cantik/indah
Most beautifulTercantik/terindah
Happierlebih bahagia
Happiestpaling bahagia
You are happyAnda bahagia.
You are as happy as MayaAnda sebahagia Maya
You are happier than MayaAnda lebih bahagia daripada Maya
You are the happiestAnda yang paling bahagia
Betterlebih baik/ lebih bagus
Worselebih buruk
Worstterburuk/paling buruk


If you have any questions, please contact me using the Indonesian contact form on the header above.

Vocabulary List about Shopping

Below is a list of 18 words related to shopping such as in the supermarket. If you can memorize them by heart, you will be able to buy many food necessities from the supermarket or the shopping mall without a problem.

Shopping List in Indonesian

Shopping Indonesian Audio
Can you take less?Bisa kurang?
Do you accept credit cards?Apakah Anda menerima kartu kridit?
How much is this?Ini berapa?
I'm just lookingSaya cuma lihat-lihat.
Only cash please!Mohon hanya pakai uang tunai.
This is too expensiveIni sangat mahal!
Cashuang tunai
Credit cardkartu kridit
Gas stationpom bensin

Vocabulary List about Restaurants

Below is a list of 30 words related to eating at a restaurant. Obviously, they will come in handy if you invite someone out to dinner or order something off the menu without a problem.

Restaurant Terms in Indonesian

Restaurant Indonesian Audio
I'm vegetarianSaya vegetarian
It is very delicious!Ini enak sekali.
May we have the check please!Boleh minta bon ?
The bill please!Boleh minta bon?
Waiter / waitress!pelayan-
What do you recommend? (to eat)Makanan (Menu) apa yang Anda sarankan?
What's the name of this dish?Ini sayur apa?
Where is there a good restaurant?Di mana ada rumah makan yang enak?
A cup ofsecangkir
A glass ofsegelas
Black peppermerica/lada hitam
Dessertpencuci mulut/manisan
Napkinserbet (cloth), tisu (paper)
Saladselada (salad)
Spicypedas / berbumbu
Tip (money for the waiter)

Fun Facts

Language Quote: ❝Learning a foreign language not only reveals how other societies think and feel, what they have experienced and value, and how they express themselves, it also provides a cultural mirror in which we can more clearly see our own society.❞ ?Chancellor Edward Lee Gorsuch

Congratulations! You finished your 17th lesson in Indonesian about the comparative form, shopping and eating at a restaurant. Are you ready for the next lesson? We recommend Indonesian Lesson 18. You can also simply click on one of the links below or go back to our Learn Indonesian homepage.