This is the fourth page about commonly used phrases in Indonesian. This should help you improve your speaking, reading and writing. Here are the links for the other 3 pages: phrases 1, phrases 2, phrases 3. Each page contains 100 common expressions. Going through each page should take about 30 min. Make sure to read the pronunciation and hear the audio as well. If you have any question about this course, please email me directly at Indonesian Classes.
Phrases Tips
To make sure you are more likely to remember each expression, try to first to read the sentence without hearing it, then click to hear how it is prnounced, then read it out loud 3 times while imagining yourself vividly talking to somone. Also try to practice what you memorized from time to time, to make it stick.
Here are the fourth 100 common phrases. You will find a lot of them are about weather conditions, asking someone to do something, or general questions ... etc.
Common Phrases in Indonesian
Do you have any animals?
Apakah kamu memelihara hewan?
Do you sell dog food?
Apakah kamu menjual makanan anjing?
I have a dog
saya punya se-ekor anjing
Monkeys are funny
Monyet lucu
She likes cats
dia (wanita) suka kucing
Tigers are fast
Harimau bergerak cepat
He is tall
Dia tinggi
She is tall
Dia tinggi
He is a short man
Dia laki-laki yang pendek
She is a short woman
Dia perempuan yang pendek
He is German
Dia orang Jerman
She is German
Dia orang Jerman
Japanese men are friendly
Biasanya laki-laki Jepang bersahabat
Japanese women are friendly
Biasanya perempuan Jepang bersahabat
Do you like my dress?
Sukakah Anda dengan gaun ini?
I lost my socks
Kaos kaki saya hilang.
It looks good on you
Terlihat cocok dikenakan padamu.
She has a beautiful ring
Dia memiliki cincin yang bagus.
These pants (trousers) are long
Celana panjang ini panjang
These shoes are small
Sepatu ini kecil
He feels with his hand
Dia meraba dengan tangannya.
I smell with my nose
Saya mencium dengan hidung.
She has beautiful eyes
Dia bermata cantik.
She tastes with her tongue
Dia merasa dengan lidahnya.
We see with our eyes
Kita melihat dengan mata.
You hear with your ears
Kita (Anda) mendengar dengan telinga.
Can I come?
Boleh saya ikut?
Can I help you?
Boleh saya bantu?
Can you help me?
Bisa saya dibantu?/ Bisa membantu saya?
Do you know her?
Anda mengenali dia?
Do you speak English?
Anda bisa berbahasa Inggris?
How difficult is it?
Berapa suli itu?
How far is this?
Berapa jauh ini?
How much is this?
Berapa harganya ini?
How would you like to pay?
Bagaimana mau bayar?
What is this called?
apa nama ini?
What is your name?
Siapa nama Anda/kamu?
What time is it?
Jam berapa?
When can we meet?
Kapan kita bisa bertemu?
Where do you live?
Di mana Anda tinggal?
Who is knocking at the door?
Siapa yang ketok pintu?
Why is it expensive?
Mengapa itu mahal?
More Phrases
I have a dog
saya punya se-ekor anjing
I speak Italian
I live in America
Saya tinggal di Amerika
This is my wife
This is my husband
Can you close the door?
He is a policeman
Dia polisi.
I have a long experience
Saya mempunyai pengalaman kerja yang lama
I'm a new employee
Saya karyawan baru.
I'm an artist
Saya seorang seniman.
I'm looking for a job
Saya sedang mencari pekerjaan.
She is a singer
Dia penyanyi.
I was born in July
Saya lahir bulan Juli.
I will visit you in August
Saya akan mengunjungi kamu (di) bulan Agustus.
See you tomorrow!
Sampai jumpa besok.
Today is Monday
Hari ini hari Senin.
Winter is very cold here
Musim dingin dingin sekali di sini.
Yesterday was Sunday
Kemarin hari Minggu (Rabu).
Black is his favorite color
Hitam adalah warna kesukaannya.
I have black hair
Rambutku hitam/rambut saya hitam
Red is not his favorite color
Merah bukan warna kesukaannya.
She drives a yellow car
Dia mengendarai mobil kuning.
The sky is blue
Langit berwarna biru
Your cat is white
Kucingmu putih
It's freezing
It's cold
It's hot
So so
Don't Go!
Jangan pergi!
Tetap di sini
Come here!
ke sini
Go there!
pergi sana
Enter (the room)!
Be quiet!
Turn right
Belok kanan
Turn left
Belok kiri
Go straight
Let's go!
Be careful!
Sit down!
Let me show you!
Biar saya tunjukkan
Write it down!
I can see the stars
Saya dapat melihat bintang
I want to go to the beach
Saya ingin pergi ke pantai
The moon is full tonight
Malam ini bulan purnama.
This is a beautiful garden
Ini taman yang indah (cantik)
Can you close the door?
Can you open the window?
I need to use the computer
I need to use the toilet
I'm watching television
This room is very big
You are happy
Anda bahagia.
You are as happy as Maya
Anda sebahagia Maya
You are happier than Maya
Anda lebih bahagia daripada Maya
You are the happiest
Anda yang paling bahagia
If you have any questions, please contact me using the Indonesian contact form on the header above.