
Spanish Phrases (Common Expressions 2)

Duration: 30 min

Lessons Spanish Lessons
Linguistic Spanish Vocabulary
Culture Spanish Phrases
Structure Spanish Grammar

This is the second page about commonly used phrases in Spanish. This should help you improve your speaking, reading and writing. Here are the links for the other 3 pages: phrases 1, phrases 3, phrases 4. Each page contains 100 common expressions. Going through each page should take about 30 min. Make sure to read the pronunciation and hear the audio as well. If you have any question about this course, please email me directly at Spanish Classes.

Phrases Tips

To make sure you are more likely to remember each expression, try to first to read the sentence without hearing it, then click to hear how it is prnounced, then read it out loud 3 times while imagining yourself vividly talking to somone. Also try to practice what you memorized from time to time, to make it stick.

Here are the second 100 common phrases. You will find a lot of them are about giving or asking for directions, asking general questions ... etc.

Common Expressions in Spanish

Expressions Spanish Audio
Do you speak English?¿Habla inglés?
Just a littlesólo un poco
What's your name?¿Cómo se llama?
My name is (John Doe)Mi nombre es (Juan Pérez)
Mr... / Mrs. ... / Miss...Sr. / Sra. / Srita
Nice to meet you!¡mucho gusto!
You're very kind!¡eres muy amable!
Where are you from?¿de dónde eres?
I'm from the U.Ssoy de Estados Unidos
I'm Americansoy americano
Where do you live?¿Dónde vive?
I live in the U.Svivo en Estados Unidos
Do you like it here?¿te gusta aquí?
I'm 30 years oldTengo treinta años
I have 2 sisters and 1 brotherTengo dos hermanas y un hermano
English is my first languageIngles es mi primer idioma
Her second language is SpanishEspañol es su segundo idioma
What's the name of that book?¿Cómo se llama ese libro?
What do you do for a living?¿A qué te dedicas?
I'm a (teacher / artist / engineer)Soy maestro / artista / ingeniero
Oh! That's good!¡Ah, qué bien!
Can I practice with you¿puedo practicar contigo?
Don't worry!¡No te preocupes!
I cannot remember the wordNo recuerdo la palabra
I do not speak JapaneseNo hablo japonés
I don't know!¡No sé!
I'm not fluent in Italian yetAún no hablo italiano con fluidez
I'm not interested!¡No me interesa!
No one here speaks GreekAquí nadie habla griego
No problem!No hay problema
This is not correctEsto no es correcto
This is wrongEsto es un error
We don't understandNo entendemos
You should not forget this wordNo debes olvidar esta palabra

More Expressions

English Spanish Audio
How old are you?¿Qué edad tienes?
I'm (twenty, thirty...) Years oldtengo (veinte, treinta...) años
Are you married?¿Eres casado?
Do you have children?¿Tienes hijos?
I have to goMe tengo que ir
I will be right back!regreso enseguida
I love youte amo
She is beautifules hermosa
They are dancingestán bailando
We are happySomos felices
Can you call us?¿Puedes llamarnos?
Give me your phone numberDame tu número de teléfono
I can give you my emailTe puedo dar mi correo electrónico
Tell him to call meDile que me llame
His email is...Su correo electrónico es...
My phone number is...Mi número de teléfono es...
Our dream is to visit SpainNuestro sueño es visitar España
Their country is beautifulSu país es hermoso
Do you accept credit cards?¿Acepta tarjetas de crédito?
How much will it cost?¿Cuánto costará?
I have a reservationtengo una reservación
I'd like to rent a carQuisiera rentar un auto
I'm here on business / on vacation.estoy aquí por negocios / de vacaciones
Is this seat taken?¿Está ocupado este asiento?
It was nice meeting youfue un placer conocerte
Take this! (when giving something)¡toma! (al dar algo)
Do you like it?¿Te gusta?
I really like it!en verdad me gusta
I'm just kiddingsólo bromeo
I'm hungrytengo hambre
I'm thirstytengo sed
Why?¿por qué?
Can you repeat?¿Puede repetirlo?
Can you speak slowly?¿Puede hablar más despacio?
Did you understand what I said?¿entendiste lo que dije?
Don't worry!¡No te preocupes!
Excuse me? (i.e. I beg your pardon?)¿Perdón?
How do you say "OK" in French?¿Cómo se dice "OK" en francés?
I don't know!¡no sé!
I don't understand!¡no entiendo!
I need to practice my Frenchnecesito practicar mi francés
Is that right?¿Es correcto?
Is that wrong?¿Es incorrecto?
My French is badmi francés es malo
No problem!¡no hay problema!
Sorry (to apologize)Disculpe
To speakhablar
What does that word mean in English?¿Qué significa esa palabra en inglés?
What is this?¿Qué es esto?
What should I say?¿Qué debería decir?
What's that called in French?¿Cómo se dice eso en francés?
Write it down please!¡escríbalo, por favor!


If you have any questions, please contact me If you simply want to ask a question, please Spanish contact form on the header above.

Here are the rest of the Spanish phrases: Spanish phrases, phrases 3, phrases 4. You can also simply click on one of the links below or go back to our Learn Spanish homepage.

Lessons Spanish Lessons
Linguistic Spanish Vocabulary
Culture Spanish Phrases
Structure Spanish Grammar