This section contains 400 of the most used phrases in Gaelic. This should help you improve your speaking, reading and writing. Exploring the whole list will make it easier to start conversations and understand what was said to you. I divided this section into 4 pages, the first 100 are listed on this page, then the rest here: phrases 2, phrases 3, phrases 4. Each page contains 100 common expressions. Going through each page should take about 30 min. Make sure to read the pronunciation and hear the audio as well. If you have any question about this course, please email me directly at Gaelic Classes.
To make sure you are more likely to remember each expression, try to first to read the sentence without hearing it, then click to hear how it is prnounced, then read it out loud 3 times while imagining yourself vividly talking to somone. Also try to practice what you memorized from time to time, to make it stick.
Here are the first 100 common phrases. You will find a lot of them are about greeting someone, introducing yourself or asking where someone is from ... etc. Basically, these are expressions which you might use when starting a conversation with someone you have just met.
Phrases | Gaelic |
How are you? (informal) | Ciamar a tha sibh? |
How are you? (formal) | Ciamar a tha thu? |
What's up? (colloquial) | Dè tha dol? |
I'm fine, thank you! | Tha mi gu math, tapadh leat/leibh! |
Hi! | Hallo! |
Good morning! | Madainn mhath! |
Good afternoon! | Feasgar math! |
Good evening! | Feasgar math! |
And you? (informal) | Agus sibh-fhèin? |
And you? (formal) | Agus thusa? |
Good | math |
We speak two languages | Tha dà chànan againn. |
They speak four languages | Tha ceithir cànain aca. |
I visited one country | Chuir mi turas do dùthaich. |
She visited three countries | Chuir i turas do trì dùthchannan. |
She has one sister | Tha piuthar aice. |
He has two sisters | Tha dà phiuthar aige. |
Welcome! | Fàilte! |
Do you like it here? | An toil leat an-seo? |
See you later! | Bidh mi gad fhaicinn!/Bidh mi gur faicinn! |
Thank you very much! | Mòran taing! |
I really like it! | 'S toil leam e gu mòr! |
Happy | toilichte |
Sad | brònach |
Thank you! | Tapadh leat/leibh! |
You're welcome! (in response to "thank you") | 'S e do bheatha! |
Have a nice day! | Latha math leat/leibh! |
Good night! | Oidhche mhath! |
Have a good trip! | Turas math agad/agaibh! |
It was nice talking to you! | Bha e math bruidhinn riut/ribh! |
Am I right or wrong? | A bheil mi ceart no ceàrr? |
Is he younger or older than you? | A bheil e nas òige no nas sine na thusa? |
Is the test easy or difficult? | A bheil an deuchainn furasta no doirbh? |
Is this book new or old? | An e leabhar ùr no aosta a th' ann an seo? |
This is so expensive | Tha seo ro daor. |
English | Gaelic | |
Languages | ||
I don't speak Korean | Chan eil Còireanais agam. | |
I love the Japanese language | 'S toil leam Seapanais. | |
I speak Italian | Tha Eadailtis agam. | |
I want to learn Spanish | Tha mi ag iarraidh Spàinntis ionnsachadh. | |
My mother tongue is German | 'S e Gearmailtis a th' ann an cànan mo mhàthar. | |
Spanish is easy to learn | Tha Spàinntis furasta ri ionnsachadh. | |
Origins | ||
He has a Moroccan rug | Tha ruga Moroccanach aige. | |
I have an American car | Tha càr Aimeireaganach agam. | |
I love French cheese | 'S toil leam càise Frangach. | |
I'm Italian | Tha mi às an Eadailt. | |
My father is Greek | Tha m' athair às a' Ghreig. | |
My wife is Korean | Tha a' bhean agam à Chòirea | |
Countries | ||
Have you ever been to India? | An robh thu riamh anns na h-Innseanan? | |
I came from Spain | Tha mi às an Spàinnt. | |
I live in America | Tha mi a' fuireachd ann an Aimeireaga. | |
I want to go to Germany | Tha mi ag iarradh dol dhan Ghearmailt. | |
I was born in Italy | Rugadh mi anns an Eadailt. | |
Japan is a beautiful country | 'S e dùthaich àlainn a th' ann an Seapan. | |
Long time no see | 'S fhada bhon uairsin | |
I missed you | Bha mi gad ionndrainn. | |
What's new? | Dè tha ùr? | |
Nothing new | Chan eil càil ùr. | |
Make yourself at home! | Bi fridiombach. | |
Have a good trip | Turas math agad. | |
Can I practice Italian with you? | Am faod mi Eadailtis cleachdadh còmhla riut? | |
I speak French but with an accent | Tha Fraingis agam agus guth-ghleus agam cuideachd. | |
I was born in Miami | Rugadh mi ann am Miami. | |
I'm from Japan | Tha mi à Seapan. | |
The letter is inside the book | Tha an litir anns an leabhar. | |
The pen is under the desk | Tha am peann fon a' bhòrd. | |
Directions | ||
Can I help you? | Am faod mi gad chuideachadh? | |
Can you help me? | Am faod thu gam chuideachadh? | |
Can you show me? | Am faod thu gam shealladh? | |
Come with me! | Thig còmhla rium! | |
Downtown (city center) | ||
Excuse me! (to ask someone) | Gabh mo leisgeul! | |
Go straight | Rach dìreach | |
How can I get to the museum? | Càite a bheil an taigh-tasgaidh? | |
How long does it take to get there? | Dè cho fada a tha e? | |
I'm lost | Tha mi air chall. | |
I'm not from here | Chan eil mi às an-seo. | |
It's far from here | Tha e fada bhon an-seo. | |
It's near here | Tha e faisg air an-seo. | |
One moment please! | Mionaid, mas e do toil leat! | |
Turn left | Tionndaich gu taobh clì | |
Turn right | Tionndaich gu taobh ceart |
If you have any questions, please contact me using the Gaelic contact form on the header above.
Here are the rest of the Gaelic phrases: phrases 2, phrases 3, phrases 4. You can also simply click on one of the links below or go back to our Learn Gaelic homepage.