This is the second page about commonly used phrases in Gaelic. This should help you improve your speaking, reading and writing. Here are the links for the other 3 pages: phrases 1, phrases 3, phrases 4. Each page contains 100 common expressions. Going through each page should take about 30 min. Make sure to read the pronunciation and hear the audio as well. If you have any question about this course, please email me directly at Gaelic Classes.
To make sure you are more likely to remember each expression, try to first to read the sentence without hearing it, then click to hear how it is prnounced, then read it out loud 3 times while imagining yourself vividly talking to somone. Also try to practice what you memorized from time to time, to make it stick.
Here are the second 100 common phrases. You will find a lot of them are about giving or asking for directions, asking general questions ... etc.
Expressions | Gaelic |
Do you speak English? | A bheil Beurla agad? |
Just a little | Chan eil ach beagan. |
What's your name? | Dè an t-ainm a th' ort? |
My name is (John Doe) | 'S mise (John Doe) |
Mr... / Mrs. ... / Miss... | Maighstir (Mgh.)/Bana-Mhaighstir (Bmh.) |
Nice to meet you! | Math do choinneachadh! |
You're very kind! | Tha thu glè chaoimhneil! |
Where are you from? | Cò às a tha thu? |
I'm from the U.S | Tha mi às Aimeireaga. |
I'm American | Tha mi Aimeireaganach. |
Where do you live? | Càite a bheil thu a' fuireachd? |
I live in the U.S | Tha mi a' fuireachd ann an Aimeireaga. |
Do you like it here? | An toil leat an-seo? |
I'm 30 years old | Tha mi trichead bliadhna a dh' aois. |
I have 2 sisters and 1 brother | Tha dà phiuthar agus bràthair agam. |
English is my first language | 'S e Beurla a th' anns a' chiad cànan agam. |
Her second language is Spanish | 'S e Spàinntis a th' anns an dàrna cànan aice. |
What's the name of that book? | Dè an t-ainm a tha air an leabhar sin? |
What do you do for a living? | Dè tha thu a' dèanamh airson obair? |
I'm a (teacher / artist / engineer) | 'S e (tìdsear/dealbhadair/innleadair) a th' annam. |
Oh! That's good! | Tha sin math. |
Can I practice with you | Am faod mi cleachdadh còmhla riut? |
Don't worry! | Na bi drag ort! |
I cannot remember the word | Chan eil cuimhne agam air am facail. |
I do not speak Japanese | Chan eil Seapanais agam. |
I don't know! | Chan eil fhios agam! |
I'm not fluent in Italian yet | Chan eil Eadailtis agam fhathast. |
I'm not interested! | Chan eil ùidh agam! |
No one here speaks Greek | Chan eil duine an-seo aig a bheil Greugais. |
No problem! | |
This is not correct | Chan eil seo ceart. |
This is wrong | Tha seo ceàrr. |
We don't understand | Chan eil sinn a' tuigsinn. |
You should not forget this word | Cha bu chòir dhut am facail seo dìochuimhneachadh. |
English | Gaelic |
How old are you? | Dè an aois a th' agad? |
I'm (twenty, thirty...) Years old | Tha mi (fichead, trichead…) bliadhna a dh' aois. |
Are you married? | A bheil thu pòsta? |
Do you have children? | A bheil clann agad? |
I have to go | Feumaidh mi dol. |
I will be right back! | Tillidh mi ann am mionaid! |
I love you | Tha gaol agam ortsa. |
She is beautiful | Tha i bòidheach. |
They are dancing | Tha iad a' dannsa. |
We are happy | Tha sinn toilichte. |
Can you call us? | An cuir sibh fòn thugainn? |
Give me your phone number | Thoir an àireamh fòn agad dhomh. |
I can give you my email | 'S urrainn dhomh am post-d agam toirt dhut. |
Tell him to call me | Abair ris a chuir fòn thugam. |
His email is... | 'S e …. a th' ann am post-d aige. |
My phone number is... | 'S e ….. a th' ann an àireamh fòn agam. |
Our dream is to visit Spain | 'S ann dol don Spàinnt a tha am bruadair againn. |
Their country is beautiful | Tha an dùthaich aca àlainn. |
Do you accept credit cards? | An gabh thu cairtean-chreidis? |
How much will it cost? | Ciamar cho prìseil a bhitheas e? |
I have a reservation | Tha cùmhnadh agam. |
I'd like to rent a car | Tha mi airson càr fhastadh. |
I'm here on business / on vacation. | Tha mi an-seo air gnothach/air tlachd. |
Is this seat taken? | A bheil duine na shuidhe an-seo? |
It was nice meeting you | Bha e math do choinneachadh. |
Take this! (when giving something) | Gabh seo! |
Do you like it? | An toil leat e? |
I really like it! | 'S toil leam e gu mòr! |
I'm just kidding | Chan eil mi ach a' tarraing asad. |
I'm hungry | Tha an t-acras orm. |
I'm thirsty | Tha am pathadh orm. |
How? | Ciamar? |
What? | Dè? |
When? | Cuin? |
Where? | Càite? |
Who? | Cò? |
Why? | Carson? |
Can you repeat? | Can a-rithist e. |
Can you speak slowly? | An urrainn dhut bruidhinn gu slaodach? |
Did you understand what I said? | An do thuig thu dè thuirt mi? |
Don't worry! | Na bi drag ort! |
Excuse me? (i.e. I beg your pardon?) | Gabh mo leisgeul. |
How do you say "OK" in French? | Ciamar a chanas tu ""OK"" anns an Fhraingis? |
I don't know! | Chan eil fhios agam! |
I don't understand! | Chan eil mi a' tuigsinn! |
I need to practice my French | Feumaidh mi am Fraingis agam cleachdadh. |
Is that right? | A bheil sin ceart? |
Is that wrong? | A bheil sin ceàrr? |
Mistake | mearachd |
My French is bad | Tha am Fraingis agam dona. |
No problem! | |
Quickly | gu luath |
Slowly | gu slaodach |
Sorry (to apologize) | Duilich |
To speak | abair |
What does that word mean in English? | Dè tha am facail sin a' ciallachadh anns a' Bheurla? |
What is this? | Dè tha sin? |
What should I say? | Dè bu choir dhomh ràdh? |
What? | Dè? |
What's that called in French? | Ciamar a chanas tu e anns an Fhraingis? |
Write it down please! | Sgrìob e, mas e do thoil leat! |
If you have any questions, please contact me using the Gaelic contact form on the header above.
Here are the rest of the Gaelic phrases: Gaelic phrases, phrases 3, phrases 4. You can also simply click on one of the links below or go back to our Learn Gaelic homepage.