This is the fourth page about commonly used phrases in Gaelic. This should help you improve your speaking, reading and writing. Here are the links for the other 3 pages: phrases 1, phrases 2, phrases 3. Each page contains 100 common expressions. Going through each page should take about 30 min. Make sure to read the pronunciation and hear the audio as well. If you have any question about this course, please email me directly at Gaelic Classes.
To make sure you are more likely to remember each expression, try to first to read the sentence without hearing it, then click to hear how it is prnounced, then read it out loud 3 times while imagining yourself vividly talking to somone. Also try to practice what you memorized from time to time, to make it stick.
Here are the fourth 100 common phrases. You will find a lot of them are about weather conditions, asking someone to do something, or general questions ... etc.
Phrases | Gaelic |
Do you have any animals? | A bheil beathaichean agad? |
Do you sell dog food? | Am bi sibh a' reic biadh nan con? |
I have a dog | Tha cù agam. |
Monkeys are funny | Tha mucaidean èibhinn. |
She likes cats | 'S toil leatha cait. |
Tigers are fast | Tha tìgearan luath. |
He is tall | Tha e àrd. |
She is tall | Tha i àrd. |
He is a short man | 'S e fear beag a th' ann. |
She is a short woman | 'S e bean bheag a th' innte. |
He is German | Tha e Gearmailteach. |
She is German | Tha i Gearmailteach. |
Japanese men are friendly | Tha fir Seapanach cairdeil. |
Japanese women are friendly | Tha mnathan Seapanach cairdeil. |
Do you like my dress? | An toil leat an dreasa orm? |
I lost my socks | Chaill mi na socais agam. |
It looks good on you | Tha e ciatach ort. |
She has a beautiful ring | Tha fàinne àlainn aice. |
These pants (trousers) are long | Tha na briocais seo fada. |
These shoes are small | Tha na brògan seo beag. |
He feels with his hand | Tha e a' feuchainn le a làmh. |
I smell with my nose | Tha mi a' feuchainn fàileadh lem sròn. |
She has beautiful eyes | Tha sùilean àlainn aice. |
She tastes with her tongue | Tha i a' blasadh le a teanga. |
We see with our eyes | Tha sinn a' faicinn ler sùilean. |
You hear with your ears | Tha thu a' cluinntinn led chluasan. |
Can I come? | Am faod mi tighinn? |
Can I help you? | Am faod mi gad chuideachadh? |
Can you help me? | Am faod thu gam chuideachadh? |
Do you know her? | A bheil thu eòlach oirre? |
Do you speak English? | A bheil Beurla agad? |
How difficult is it? | Ciamar cho doirbh a tha e? |
How far is this? | Ciamar cho fada a tha seo? |
How much is this? | Ciamar cho prìseil a tha seo? |
How would you like to pay? | Ciamar a tha thu ag iarraidh cluich? |
What is this called? | Dè an t-ainm a th' air seo? |
What is your name? | Dè an t-ainm a th' ort? |
What time is it? | Dè an uair a tha e? |
When can we meet? | Cuin an urrainn dhuinn gar faicinn? |
Where do you live? | Càite a bheil thu a' fuireachd? |
Who is knocking at the door? | Cò tha a' gnogadh air an doras? |
Why is it expensive? | Carson a tha e daor? |
English | Gaelic |
I have a dog | Tha cù agam. |
I speak Italian | Tha Eadailtis agam. |
I live in America | Tha mi a' fuireachd ann an Aimeireaga. |
This is my wife | Seo a' bhean agam. |
This is my husband | Seo an duine agam. |
Can you close the door? | Am faod thu dùineadh an doras? |
He is a policeman | Tha e na phoileasman. |
I have a long experience | Tha fèin-fhiosrachadh mòr agam. |
I'm a new employee | 'S e cosnaiche ùr a th' annam. |
I'm an artist | 'S e dealbhadair a th' annam. |
I'm looking for a job | Tha mi a' lorg obair. |
She is a singer | 'S e bana-sheannadair a th' innte. |
I was born in July | Rugadh mi anns an Iuchair. |
I will visit you in August | Cuiridh mi cèilidh riud anns an Lùnastal. |
See you tomorrow! | Chì mi a-màireach thu! |
Today is Monday | 'S e Diluain a tha an-diugh. |
Winter is very cold here | Tha an geamhradh glè fhuar an-seo. |
Yesterday was Sunday | B'e Didòmhnaich a bha an-dè. |
Black is his favorite color | 'S e dubh an dath as fheàrr leis. |
I have black hair | Tha falt dubh orm. |
Red is not his favorite color | Chan e dearg an dath as fheàrr leis. |
She drives a yellow car | Bidh i a' dràibheadh càr buidhe. |
The sky is blue | Tha an speur gorm. |
Your cat is white | Tha an cat agad bàn. |
It's freezing | Tha e reòthte. |
It's cold | Tha e fuar. |
It's hot | Tha e teth. |
So so | |
Go! | Rach! |
Stop! | Stad! |
Don't Go! | Na rach! |
Stay! | Fuirich! |
Leave! | Falbh! |
Come here! | Thig an-seo! |
Go there! | Rach an-siud! |
Enter (the room)! | Thig a-steach! |
Speak! | Abair! |
Be quiet! | Bi sàmhach! |
Turn right | Tionndaich gu taobh ceart |
Turn left | Tionndaich gu taobh clì |
Go straight | Rach dìreach |
Wait! | Feith! |
Let's go! | Tiugainn! |
Be careful! | Bi cùramach! |
Sit down! | Suidh sìos! |
Let me show you! | Leig mi gad shealladh! |
Listen! | Èist! |
Write it down! | Sgrìobh e! |
I can see the stars | 'S urrainn dhomh na rionnagan fhaicinn. |
I want to go to the beach | Tha mi ag iarraidh dol dhan tràigh. |
The moon is full tonight | Tha a' ghealach làn an oidhche. |
This is a beautiful garden | 'S e gàrradh bòidheach a th' ann an seo. |
Can you close the door? | Am faod thu dùineadh an doras? |
Can you open the window? | Am faod thu fosgladh an uinneag? |
I need to use the computer | Feumaidh mi an compiutar cleachdadh. |
I need to use the toilet | Feumaidh mi dol dhan taigh-beag. |
I'm watching television | Tha mi a' coimhead telebhisean. |
This room is very big | Tha an t-seòmar glè mhòr. |
You are happy | Tha thu toilichte |
You are as happy as Maya | Tha thu cho toilichte ri Maya |
You are happier than Maya | Tha thu nas toilichte na Maya |
You are the happiest | 'S e thusa as toilichte. |
If you have any questions, please contact me using the Gaelic contact form on the header above.
Here are the rest of the Gaelic phrases: Gaelic phrases, phrases 2, phrases 3. You can also simply click on one of the links below or go back to our Learn Gaelic homepage.