This section contains 400 of the most used phrases in Basque. This should help you improve your speaking, reading and writing. Exploring the whole list will make it easier to start conversations and understand what was said to you. I divided this section into 4 pages, the first 100 are listed on this page, then the rest here: phrases 2, phrases 3, phrases 4. Each page contains 100 common expressions. Going through each page should take about 30 min. Make sure to read the pronunciation and hear the audio as well. If you have any question about this course, please email me directly at Basque Classes.
Phrases Tips
To make sure you are more likely to remember each expression, try to first to read the sentence without hearing it, then click to hear how it is prnounced, then read it out loud 3 times while imagining yourself vividly talking to somone. Also try to practice what you memorized from time to time, to make it stick.
Here are the first 100 common phrases. You will find a lot of them are about greeting someone, introducing yourself or asking where someone is from ... etc. Basically, these are expressions which you might use when starting a conversation with someone you have just met.
Phrases in Basque
How are you? (informal)
Zer moduz zaude?
How are you? (formal)
Zer moduz?
What's up? (colloquial)
Zer gertatzen da?
I'm fine, thank you!
Ondo nago, eskerrik asko!
Good morning!
Egun on!
Good afternoon!
Arratsalde on!
Good evening!
And you? (informal)
Eta zu zer moduz zaude?
And you? (formal)
Eta zu?
We speak two languages
Guk bi huzkuntza hitz egiten ditugu.
They speak four languages
Lau hizkuntza hitz egiten ditut.
I visited one country
Herrialde bat bisitatu dut.
She visited three countries
Berak hiru herrilde bisitatu ditu.
She has one sister
Ahizpa bat dauka.
He has two sisters
Berak bi arreba ditu.
Ongi etorri!
Do you like it here?
Gustoko duzu hau?
See you later!
Gero arte.
Thank you very much!
Mila esker. Esker anitz. Eskerrik asko.
I really like it!
Benetan dut gogoko!
Thank you!
Eskerrik asko.
You're welcome! (in response to "thank you")
Ez dago zergatik. Ez horregatik. Ez da ezer.
Have a nice day!
Egun ona izan!
Good night!
Have a good trip!
Bidai ona izan. Bidai ona eduki.
It was nice talking to you!
Plazer bat zurekin hitz egitea! Pozten naiz zurekin hitzegiteaz.
Am I right or wrong?
Zuzen edo oker nago?
Is he younger or older than you?
Bera zu baino nagusiagoa edo gazteagoa da?
Is the test easy or difficult?
Azterketa hau erraza edo zaila da?
Is this book new or old?
Liburu hau zaharra edo berria da?
This is so expensive
Hau oso garestia da.
More Sentences
I don't speak Korean
Ez dut korearrez hitz egiten.
I love the Japanese language
Japoniera maite dut. Japoniera dut gogoko.
I speak Italian
Italiarrez hitz egiten dut.
I want to learn Spanish
Erdera ikasi nahi dut.
My mother tongue is German
Nire ama hizkuntza alemaniarra da.
Spanish is easy to learn
Erdera erraza da ikasteko.
He has a Moroccan rug
Manta hau marokoarra da.
I have an American car
Nire autoa amerikarra da.
I love French cheese
Gazta frantsesa dut gogoko.
I'm Italian
Italiarra naiz.
My father is Greek
Nire aita grekoa da.
My wife is Korean
Nire emaztea korearra da.
Have you ever been to India?
Noiz bait Indian egon zara?
I came from Spain
Espainiakoa naiz.
I live in America
Ameriketan bizi naiz.
I want to go to Germany
Alemaniara joatea nahi dut.
I was born in Italy
Italian jaioa naiz.
Japan is a beautiful country
Japon herrialde polita da.
Long time no see
Aspaldi elkar ikusi gabe.
I missed you
Faltan bota zaitut.
What's new?
Zer berri?
Nothing new
Ezer berririk ez.
Make yourself at home!
Xure etxean egongo bazina bezela!
Have a good trip
Bidai ona izan!
Can I practice Italian with you?
Zurekin italiera praktikatu dezaket/nezake?
I speak French but with an accent
Frantsesez hitz egiten dut, baina azentuaz.
I was born in Miami
Miamin jaio nintzen.
I'm from Japan
Japonekoa naiz.
The letter is inside the book
Eskutitza liburu barruan dago.
The pen is under the desk
Boligrafoa mahai azpian dago.
Can I help you?
Lagundu diezaizuket?
Can you help me?
Lagundu diezaidakezu?
Can you show me?
Erakutsi diezadakezu?
Come with me!
Etor zaitez nirekin!
Downtown (city center)
Hiri erdigunea.
Excuse me! (to ask someone)
Go straight
Joan zuzen!
How can I get to the museum?
Nola heldu nahiteke museora?
How long does it take to get there?
Zenbat denbora behar da hara heltzeko?
I'm lost
Galduta nago.
I'm not from here
Ez naiz hemengoa.
It's far from here
Hemendik urrun dago.
It's near here
Hemendik gertu dago.
One moment please!
Itxon pixka bat, mesedez!
Turn left
Ezkerretara biratu!
Turn right
Eskumatara biratu!
If you have any questions, please contact me using the Basque contact form on the header above.
Here are the rest of the Basque phrases: phrases 2, phrases 3, phrases 4. You can also simply click on one of the links below or go back to our Learn Basque homepage.