
Basque Phrases (Common Expressions 4)

Duration: 30 min

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This is the fourth page about commonly used phrases in Basque. This should help you improve your speaking, reading and writing. Here are the links for the other 3 pages: phrases 1, phrases 2, phrases 3. Each page contains 100 common expressions. Going through each page should take about 30 min. Make sure to read the pronunciation and hear the audio as well. If you have any question about this course, please email me directly at Basque Classes.

Phrases Tips

To make sure you are more likely to remember each expression, try to first to read the sentence without hearing it, then click to hear how it is prnounced, then read it out loud 3 times while imagining yourself vividly talking to somone. Also try to practice what you memorized from time to time, to make it stick.

Here are the fourth 100 common phrases. You will find a lot of them are about weather conditions, asking someone to do something, or general questions ... etc.

Common Phrases in Basque

Phrases Basque Audio
Do you have any animals?Badaukazu animalirik?
Do you sell dog food?Txakur jana saltzen duzu?
I have a dogTxakurra daukat.
Monkeys are funnyTximinoak barregarriak dira.
She likes catsBerak katuak ditu gogoko.
Tigers are fastTigreak azkarrak dira.
He is tallBera altua da.
She is tallBera altua da.
He is a short manBera gizon bajua da.
She is a short womanBera emakume bajua da.
He is GermanBera alemaniarra da.
She is GermanBera alemaniarra da.
Japanese men are friendlyGizon japoniarrak jatorrak dira.
Japanese women are friendlyEmakume japoniarrak jatorrak dira.
Do you like my dress?Nire soinekoa gustatzen al zaizu?
I lost my socksNire galtzerdiak galdu ditut.
It looks good on youOndo geratzen zaizu.
She has a beautiful ringBerak eraztun polita dauka.
These pants (trousers) are longPraka hauek luzeak dira.
These shoes are smallZapata hauek txikiak dira.
He feels with his handEskuekin sentitzen du.
I smell with my noseSudurrarekin usaintzen dut.
She has beautiful eyesBegi politak dauzka.
She tastes with her tongueMingainarekin zaporea hartzen du.
We see with our eyesBegiekin ikusten dugu.
You hear with your earsBelarriekin entzuten duzu.
Can I come?Joan naiteke? Etor naiteke?
Can I help you?Lagundu diezaizuket?
Can you help me?Lagundu diezaidakezu?
Do you know her?Ezagutzen duzu bera?
Do you speak English?Ingelesez hitz egiten duzu?
How difficult is it?Zenbateko zailtasuna dauka? Zaila da?
How far is this?Urrun dago?
How much is this?Zenbat balio du honek?
How would you like to pay?Nola nahiko zenuke ordaintzea?
What is this called?Nola deitzen da?
What is your name?Zein da zure izena? nola deitzen zara?
What time is it?Zer ordu da?
When can we meet?Noiz gera gintezke?
Where do you live?Non bizi zara?
Who is knocking at the door?Nor dabil ate joka?
Why is it expensive?Zergatik hori da garestia?

More Phrases

English Basque Audio
I have a dogTxakurra daukat.
I speak ItalianItaliarrez hitz egiten dut.
I live in AmericaAmeriketan bizi naiz.
This is my wifeHau neure emaztea da.
This is my husbandHau neure senarra da.
Can you close the door?Atea itxi dezakezu?
He is a policemanBera polizia da.
I have a long experienceEsperiantzia daukat.
I'm a new employeeLangile berria naiz.
I'm an artistArtista naiz.
I'm looking for a jobLan bila nabil.
She is a singerBera abeslaria da.
I was born in JulyUztailan jaio nintzen.
I will visit you in AugustAbuztuan bisita egingo dizut.
See you tomorrow!Bihar arte
Today is MondayGaur astelehena da.
Winter is very cold hereNegua oso hotza da hemen
Yesterday was SundayAtzo igandea izan zen.
Black is his favorite colorBere kolore gogokoena beltza da.
I have black hairIle beltza daukat.
Red is not his favorite colorGorria ez da bere kolore gogokoena.
She drives a yellow carBerak auto horia gidatzen du.
The sky is blueZerua urdina da
Your cat is whiteZure katua zuria da
It's freezingIzoztuta dago.
It's coldHotza dado.
It's hotBero dago.
So soBeraz.
Don't Go!Ez joan!
Come here!Etorri hona!
Go there!Joan hara!
Enter (the room)!Sartu (gelara)!
Speak!Hitz egin!
Be quiet!Isildu!
Turn rightEskumatara biratu!
Turn leftEzkerretara biratu!
Go straightJoan zuzen!
Let's go!Goazen!
Be careful!Kontuz!
Sit down!Jarri! Eseri!
Let me show you!Utzi erakusten!
Write it down!Idatzi!
I can see the starsIzarrak ikus ditzaket.
I want to go to the beachHondartzara joatea nahi dut.
The moon is full tonightIlargi betea dago gaur.
This is a beautiful gardenLorategi polita da hau.
Can you close the door?Atea itxi dezakezu?
Can you open the window?Leihoa zabaldu dezakezu?
I need to use the computerOrdenagailua erabili bahar dut.
I need to use the toiletKomuna erabili behar dut.
I'm watching televisionTelebista ikusten ari naiz.
This room is very bigGela hau oso handia da.
You are happyZu pozik zaude.
You are as happy as MayaMaya bezain pozik zaude.
You are happier than MayaMaya baino pozago zaude.
You are the happiestPozgarriena zara zu.


If you have any questions, please contact me using the Basque contact form on the header above.

Here are the rest of the Basque phrases: Basque phrases, phrases 2, phrases 3. You can also simply click on one of the links below or go back to our Learn Basque homepage.

Lessons Basque Lessons
Linguistic Basque Vocabulary
Culture Basque Phrases
Structure Basque Grammar