This is the second page about commonly used phrases in Basque. This should help you improve your speaking, reading and writing. Here are the links for the other 3 pages: phrases 1, phrases 3, phrases 4. Each page contains 100 common expressions. Going through each page should take about 30 min. Make sure to read the pronunciation and hear the audio as well. If you have any question about this course, please email me directly at Basque Classes.
Phrases Tips
To make sure you are more likely to remember each expression, try to first to read the sentence without hearing it, then click to hear how it is prnounced, then read it out loud 3 times while imagining yourself vividly talking to somone. Also try to practice what you memorized from time to time, to make it stick.
Here are the second 100 common phrases. You will find a lot of them are about giving or asking for directions, asking general questions ... etc.
Common Expressions in Basque
Do you speak English?
Ingelesez hitz egiten duzu?
Just a little
Pixka bat bakarrik.
What's your name?
Zein da zure izena?
My name is (John Doe)
Nire izena (John Doe) da.
Mr... / Mrs. ... / Miss...
Jauna (Mr)/ Anderea(Mrs/Mss).
Nice to meet you!
Plazer bat zu ezagutzea!
You're very kind!
Oso jatorra zara!
Where are you from?
Nongoa zara?
I'm from the U.S
Estatu Batuetakoa naiz. .....-koa naiz.
I'm American
Amerikarra naiz.
Where do you live?
Non bizi zara?
I live in the U.S
Ni estatu Batuetan bizi naiz.
Do you like it here?
Gustoko duzu hau?
I'm 30 years old
Hogeita hamar urte ditut.
I have 2 sisters and 1 brother
Bi arreba eta anai bat ditut.
English is my first language
Ingelesa da nire ama hizkuntza.
Her second language is Spanish
Gure bigarren hizkuntza espainola da.
What's the name of that book?
Zein da liburu horren izenburua?
What do you do for a living?
Zertan egiten duzu lan?
I'm a (teacher / artist / engineer)
Ni maisua/artista/ingeniaria naiz
Oh! That's good!
Ondo dago! Ona da!
Can I practice with you
Zurekin praktikatu dezaket?
Don't worry!
Lasai egon! Lasai!
I cannot remember the word
Ezin dut hitza gogoratu.
I do not speak Japanese
Ez dut japonieraz hitz egiten.
I don't know!
Ez dakit!
I'm not fluent in Italian yet
Ez dut italieraz ondo hitz egiten.
I'm not interested!
Ez nago interesatuta!
No one here speaks Greek
IƱork ere ez ez gu grekeraz hitz egiten.
No problem!
Arazorik gabe!
This is not correct
Hau zuzen dago.
This is wrong
Hau gaizki dago.
We don't understand
Ez dugu ulertzen.
You should not forget this word
Ez zenuke hitz hau ahaztu beharko.
More Expressions
How old are you?
Zenbat urte dituzu?
I'm (twenty, thirty...) Years old
(Hogei, hamar) urte ditut.
Are you married?
Ezkonduta zaude?
Do you have children?
Badituzu umeak? Badaukazu umerik?
I have to go
Joan egin behar naiz.
I will be right back!
Oraintxe bertan nator!
I love you
Maite zaitut.
She is beautiful
Bera oso polita da.
They are dancing
Dantza egiten ari dira.
We are happy
Oso pozik gaude.
Can you call us?
Dei diezagukezu?
Give me your phone number
Emaidazu zure telefono zenbakia.
I can give you my email
Nire emaila eman diezaizuket.
Tell him to call me
Ezaiozu ni deitzeko.
His email is...
Bere emaila....da.
My phone number is...
Nire telefono zenbakia... da.
Our dream is to visit Spain
Gure ametsa Espainia bisitatzea da.
Their country is beautiful
Euren herria polita da.
Do you accept credit cards?
Kreditu txartela onartzen duzu? Kreditu txartelak onartzen dituzu?
How much will it cost?
Zenbat balioko du?
I have a reservation
Erreserba eginda daukat.
I'd like to rent a car
Autoa alokatzea nahiko nuke.
I'm here on business / on vacation.
Lanagatik/oporretan nago hemen.
Is this seat taken?
Aulki/Jarleku hau okupatuta dago?
It was nice meeting you
Polita izan da zu ezagutzea.
Take this! (when giving something)
Tori hau!
Do you like it?
Gogoko duzu?
I really like it!
Benetan dut gogoko!
I'm just kidding
Txantxetan nago!
I'm hungry
Gose naiz.
I'm thirsty
Egarri naiz.
nor? / nork?
Can you repeat?
Errepika dezakezu?
Can you speak slowly?
Astiroago hitz egin dezakezu?
Did you understand what I said?
Esan dudana ulertu duzu?
Don't worry!
Lasai egon! Lasai!
Excuse me? (i.e. I beg your pardon?)
How do you say "OK" in French?
Nola esango zenuke ""OK"" frantsesez?
I don't know!
Ez dakit!
I don't understand!
Ez dut ulertzen!
I need to practice my French
Frantsesa praktikatzeko beharra daukat.
Is that right?
Hori ondo dago?
Is that wrong?
Hori txarto dago?
My French is bad
Nire frantsesa txarra da.
No problem!
Arazorik gabe!
Sorry (to apologize)
To speak
Hitz egin.
What does that word mean in English?
Zer esan nahi du hitz horrek ingelesez?
What is this?
Zer da hori?
What should I say?
Zer esan beharko nuke?
What's that called in French?
Nola esaten da hori frantsesez?
Write it down please!
Idatz ezazu mesedez!
If you have any questions, please contact me using the Basque contact form on the header above.