
Malay Phrases (Common Expressions 4)

Duration: 30 min

Lessons Malay Lessons
Linguistic Malay Vocabulary
Culture Malay Phrases
Structure Malay Grammar

This is the fourth page about commonly used phrases in Malay. This should help you improve your speaking, reading and writing. Here are the links for the other 3 pages: phrases 1, phrases 2, phrases 3. Each page contains 100 common expressions. Going through each page should take about 30 min. Make sure to read the pronunciation and hear the audio as well. If you have any question about this course, please email me directly at Malay Classes.

Phrases Tips

To make sure you are more likely to remember each expression, try to first to read the sentence without hearing it, then click to hear how it is prnounced, then read it out loud 3 times while imagining yourself vividly talking to somone. Also try to practice what you memorized from time to time, to make it stick.

Here are the fourth 100 common phrases. You will find a lot of them are about weather conditions, asking someone to do something, or general questions ... etc.

Common Phrases in Malay

Phrases Malay
Do you have any animals?Adakah anda membela haiwan?
Do you sell dog food?Awak ada jual makanan anjing?
I have a dogSaya ada seekor anjing
Monkeys are funnyMonyet adalah haiwan yang kelakar
She likes catsDia suka kucing
Tigers are fastHarimau adalah haiwan yang pantas
He is tallDia tinggi
She is tallDia tinggi
He is a short manDia adalah seorang lelaki yang rendah
She is a short womanDia adalah seorang wanita yang rendah
He is GermanDia adalah lelaki German
She is GermanDia adalah wanita German
Japanese men are friendlyLelaki Jepun adalah lelaki peramah
Japanese women are friendlyWanita Jepun adalah wanita peramah
Do you like my dress?Kamu suka baju saya?
I lost my socksSaya hilang stokin saya
It looks good on youNampak cantik kamu pakai
She has a beautiful ringDia mempunyai cincin yang cantik
These pants (trousers) are longSeluar ini panjang
These shoes are smallKasut-kasut ini kecil
He feels with his handDia merasa dengan tangannya
I smell with my noseSaya menghidu dengan hidung
She has beautiful eyesDia mempunyai mata yang cantik
She tastes with her tongueDia mengecap dengan lidahnya
We see with our eyesKita melihat dengan mata
You hear with your earsKamu mendengar dengan telinga
Can I come?Boleh saya datang?
Can I help you?Boleh saya bantu?
Can you help me?Boleh awak tolong saya?
Do you know her?Anda kenal dia?
Do you speak English?Anda boleh berbahasa Inggeris?
How difficult is it?Macam mana susahnya?
How far is this?Berapa jauhnya ni?
How much is this?Berapa harga ini?
How would you like to pay?Anda nak bayar macam mana?
What is this called?Ini panggil apa?
What is your name?Apa nama awak?
What time is it?Pukul berapa tu?
When can we meet?Bila kita boleh jumpa?
Where do you live?Awak duduk dimana?
Who is knocking at the door?Siapa ketuk pintu tu?
Why is it expensive?Kenapa ia mahal?

More Phrases

English Malay
I have a dogSaya ada seekor anjing
I speak ItalianSaya boleh berbahasa Itali
I live in AmericaSaya tinggal di Amerika
This is my wifeIni isteri saya
This is my husbandIni suami saya
Can you close the door?Bolehkah anda tutup pintu itu?
He is a policemanDia adalah seorang anggota polis
I have a long experienceSaya mempunyai banyak pengalaman
I'm a new employeeSaya pekerja baru
I'm an artistSaya adalah seorang artis
I'm looking for a jobSaya sedang cari kerja
She is a singerDia adalah seorang penyanyi
I was born in JulySaya dilahirkan dalam bulan Julai
I will visit you in AugustSaya akan melawat kamu dalam bulan Ogos
See you tomorrow!Jumpa kamu esok!
Today is MondayHari ini Isnin
Winter is very cold hereMusim sejuk di sini sangat sejuk
Yesterday was SundaySemalam adalah hari Ahad
Black is his favorite colorHitam adalah warna kegemarannya
I have black hairSaya ada rambut hitam
Red is not his favorite colorMerah bukan warna kegemarannya
She drives a yellow carDia memandu kereta kuning
The sky is blueLangit yang biru
Your cat is whiteKucing anda putih
It's freezingSejuk beku
It's coldSejuknya
It's hotPanasnya
So soMacam tu lah
Don't Go!Jangan pergi!
Stay!Tunggu / jangan pergi!
Come here!Mari sini!
Go there!Pergi sana!
Enter (the room)!Masuk!
Be quiet!Diam!
Turn rightBelok kanan
Turn leftBelok kiri
Go straightPergi terus
Let's go!Jom pergi!
Be careful!Berhati-hati!
Sit down!Duduk!
Let me show you!Biar saya tunjukkan!
Write it down!Tuliskan!
I can see the starsSaya nampak bintang-bintang
I want to go to the beachSaya ingin ke pantai
The moon is full tonightMalam ini bulan penuh
This is a beautiful gardenTaman in cantik
Can you close the door?Bolehkah anda tutup pintu itu?
Can you open the window?Boleh anda membuka tingkap itu?
I need to use the computerSaya perlu menggunakan komputer itu
I need to use the toiletSaya perlu pergi ke tandas
I'm watching televisionSaya sedang menonton television
This room is very bigBilik ini memang besar
You are happyAnda bahagia
You are as happy as MayaAnda sebahagia Maya
You are happier than MayaAnda lebih bahagia dari Maya
You are the happiestAnda yang paling berbahagia


If you have any questions, please contact me using the Malay contact form on the header above.

Here are the rest of the Malay phrases: Malay phrases, phrases 2, phrases 3. You can also simply click on one of the links below or go back to our Learn Malay homepage.

Lessons Malay Lessons
Linguistic Malay Vocabulary
Culture Malay Phrases
Structure Malay Grammar