
Malay Phrases (Common Expressions 3)

Duration: 30 min

Lessons Malay Lessons
Linguistic Malay Vocabulary
Culture Malay Phrases
Structure Malay Grammar

This is the third page about commonly used phrases in Malay. This should help you improve your speaking, reading and writing. Here are the links for the other 3 pages: phrases 1, phrases 2, phrases 4. Each page contains 100 common expressions. Going through each page should take about 30 min. Make sure to read the pronunciation and hear the audio as well. If you have any question about this course, please email me directly at Malay Classes.

Phrases Tips

To make sure you are more likely to remember each expression, try to first to read the sentence without hearing it, then click to hear how it is prnounced, then read it out loud 3 times while imagining yourself vividly talking to somone. Also try to practice what you memorized from time to time, to make it stick.

Here are the third 100 common sentences. You will find a lot of them are about asking for help in an emergency, wishing someone a happy holiday, or general questions ... etc.

Common Sentences in Malay

Sentences Malay
In The MorningWaktu pagi
In the eveningLewat petang
At NightWaktu malam
Really!Betul kah?
Hurry up!Cepat lah!
Some languages are hardSesetengah bahasa itu susah
Many students speak KoreanRamai pelajar berbahasa Korea
How old is your sister?Berapa umur kakak kamu?
I love my husbandSaya sayang suami saya
This is my wifeIni isteri saya
What's your brother called?Siapa nama abang kamu?
Where does your father work?Di mana ayah kamu bekerja?
Your daughter is very cuteAnak perempuan kamu sangat comel
What time is it?Pukul berapa tu?
It's 10 o'clockDah pukul 10
Give me this!Bagi ni pada saya
I love youSaya cintakan awak
Are you free tomorrow evening?Malam esok awak lapang?
I would like to invite you for dinnerSaya ingin mengajak anda makan malam?
Are you married?Adakah awak sudah berkahwin?
I'm singleSaya masih bujang
Would you marry me?Sudikah awak berkahwin dengan saya?
Can I have your phone number?Bolehkah saya dapatkan nombor telefon awak?
Can I have your email?Boleh saya dapatkan emel awak?
Are you okay?Bagaimana keadaan anda?
Call a doctor!Dapatkan doktor segera!
Call the ambulance!Panggil ambulans!
Call the police!Panggilkan polis segera!
Calm down!Harap bertenang!
I feel sickSaya berasa tidak sihat
It hurts hereSaya berasa sakit di tempat ini
It's urgent!Ianya penting!
Where is the closest pharmacy?Di manakah farmasi terdekat?

More Sentences

English Malay
You look beautiful! (to a woman)Awak cantik
You have a beautiful nameNama awak cantik
This is my wifeIni isteri saya
This is my husbandIni suami saya
I enjoyed myself very muchSaya sangat gembira
I agree with youSaya setuju dengan awak
Are you sure?Adakah anda pasti?
Be careful!Berhati-hati
Would you like to go for a walk?Nak pergi jalan-jalan?
Today is nice weatherCuaca hari ini baik
Yesterday was bad weatherCuaca semalam tidak baik
What's that called in French?Apakah namanya dalam bahasa Perancis?
I have a reservationSaya ada membuat tempahan
I have to goSaya kena pergi dah
Where do you live?Awak duduk dimana?
Spanish is easy to learnBahasa Sepanyol senang dipelajari
Holiday WishesSelamat Bercuti
Good luck!Semoga berjaya
Happy birthday!Selamat Hari Lahir
Happy new year!Selamat Tahun Baru
Merry Christmas!Selamat Hari Natal!
Enjoy! (before eating)Selamat menjamu selera
Bless you (when sneezing)Alhamdulillah
Best wishes!Selamat semuanya!
Can you take less?Bolehkah harganya dikurangkan sedikit?
Do you accept credit cards?Adakah anda menerima kad kredit?
How much is this?Berapa harga ini?
I'm just lookingSaya tengok-tengok saja
Only cash please!Tunai sahaja!
This is too expensiveIni sangat mahal
I'm vegetarianSaya vegetarian
It is very delicious!Ia amat lazat!
May we have the check please?Boleh saya minta bilnya?
The bill please!Minta bilnya!
Waiter / waitress!pelayan lelaki / perempuan
What do you recommend? (to eat)Apa yang anda syorkan untuk saya makan?
What's the name of this dish?Apakah nama masakan ini?
Where is there a good restaurant?Di mana terdapat restoran yang bagus?
A cup ofSecawan
A glass ofSegelas
Are you thirsty?Kamu haus ke?
I'm hungrySaya lapar
Do you have a bottle of water?Kamu ada sebotol air?
Breakfast is readySarapan sudah sedia
What kind of food do you like?Apa jenis makanan yang kamu suka?
I like cheeseSaya suka keju
Bananas taste sweetPisang rasanya manis
I don't like cucumberSaya tidak suka timun
I like bananasSaya suka pisang
Lemons taste sourLemon rasanya masam
This fruit is deliciousBuah ini sedap
Vegetables are healthySayuran adalah menyihatkan


If you have any questions, please contact me using the Malay contact form on the header above.

Here are the rest of the Malay phrases: Malay phrases, phrases 2, phrases 4. You can also simply click on one of the links below or go back to our Learn Malay homepage.

Lessons Malay Lessons
Linguistic Malay Vocabulary
Culture Malay Phrases
Structure Malay Grammar