
Malay Phrases (Common Expressions 2)

Duration: 30 min

Lessons Malay Lessons
Linguistic Malay Vocabulary
Culture Malay Phrases
Structure Malay Grammar

This is the second page about commonly used phrases in Malay. This should help you improve your speaking, reading and writing. Here are the links for the other 3 pages: phrases 1, phrases 3, phrases 4. Each page contains 100 common expressions. Going through each page should take about 30 min. Make sure to read the pronunciation and hear the audio as well. If you have any question about this course, please email me directly at Malay Classes.

Phrases Tips

To make sure you are more likely to remember each expression, try to first to read the sentence without hearing it, then click to hear how it is prnounced, then read it out loud 3 times while imagining yourself vividly talking to somone. Also try to practice what you memorized from time to time, to make it stick.

Here are the second 100 common phrases. You will find a lot of them are about giving or asking for directions, asking general questions ... etc.

Common Expressions in Malay

Expressions Malay
Do you speak English?Anda boleh berbahasa Inggeris?
Just a littleSedikit sahaja
What's your name?Apa nama anda?
My name is (John Doe)Nama saya (John Doe)
Mr... / Mrs. ... / Miss...Encik / Puan / Cik
Nice to meet you!Gembira berkenalan dengan anda
You're very kind!Anda sangat baik hati!
Where are you from?Anda berasal dari mana?
I'm from the U.SSaya berasal dari Amerika / A.S
I'm AmericanSaya berbangsa Amerika
Where do you live?Awak duduk dimana?
I live in the U.SSaya tinggal di A.S
Do you like it here?Adakah anda menyukai tempat ini?
I'm 30 years oldSaya berumur tiga puluh tahun
I have 2 sisters and 1 brotherSaya mempunyai dua adik-beradik perempuan dan satu lelaki
English is my first languageBahasa Inggeris bahasa ibunda saya
Her second language is SpanishBahasa keduanya ialah Bahasa Sepanyol
What's the name of that book?Apakah nama buku tersebut?
What do you do for a living?Apakah pekerjaan anda?
I'm a (teacher / artist / engineer)Saya seorang (guru/pelukis/jurutera)
Oh! That's good!Oh! Itu sangat bagus!
Can I practice with youBoleh saya berlatih dengan awak?
Don't worry!Jangan risau
I cannot remember the wordSaya tidak ingat perkataannya
I do not speak JapaneseSaya tidak boleh berbahasa Jepun
I don't know!Saya tidak tahu
I'm not fluent in Italian yetSaya belum fasih berbahasa Itali
I'm not interested!Saya tidak mahu
No one here speaks GreekTiada siapa disini yang bercakap Greek
No problem!Tiada masalah
This is not correctIni tidak tepat
This is wrongIni salah
We don't understandKami tidak faham
You should not forget this wordAwak tidak boleh lupakan perkataan ini

More Expressions

English Malay
How old are you?Berapa umur awak?
I'm (twenty, thirty...) Years oldUmur saya (dua puluh, tiga puluh...) tahun
Are you married?Adakah anda sudah kahwin?
Do you have children?Adakah anda mempunyai anak?
I have to goSaya kena pergi dah
I will be right back!Sekejap saya datang balik!
I love youSaya cintakan awak
She is beautifulDia cantik
They are dancingMereka sedang menari
We are happyKami bahagia
Can you call us?Boleh awak telefon kami?
Give me your phone numberBoleh saya dapatkan nombor telefon awak
I can give you my emailSaya boleh bagi emel sayapada awak
Tell him to call meMinta dia telefon saya
His email is...emel beliau ialah...
My phone number is...Nombor telefon saya ialah
Our dream is to visit SpainImpian kami adalah melawat Sepanyol
Their country is beautifulNegara mereka indah
Do you accept credit cards?Adakah anda menerima kad kredit?
How much will it cost?Berapakah harganya?
I have a reservationSaya ada membuat tempahan
I'd like to rent a carSaya ingin menyewa kereta
I'm here on business / on vacation.Saya sedang dalam urusan kerja / bercuti
Is this seat taken?Adakah tempat ini diduduki sesiapa?
It was nice meeting youGembira jumpa awak
Take this! (when giving something)Ambil ini!
Do you like it?Awak sukakannya?
I really like it!Saya betul-betul sukakannya
I'm just kiddingSaya bergurau saja
I'm hungrySaya lapar
I'm thirstySaya dahaga
Where?Di mana?
Can you repeat?Bolehkah anda ulang?
Can you speak slowly?Boleh cakap perlahan sikit?
Did you understand what I said?Adakah anda faham apa yang saya katakan?
Don't worry!Jangan risau
Excuse me? (i.e. I beg your pardon?)Harap maaf, bolehkah diulang?
How do you say "OK" in French?Macam mana nak kata 'OK' dalam bahasa Perancis?
I don't know!Saya tidak tahu
I don't understand!Saya tidak faham
I need to practice my FrenchSaya perlu berlatih bahasa Perancis
Is that right?Adakah ianya betul?
Is that wrong?Salah ke tu?
My French is badBahasa Perancis saya tidak bagus
No problem!Tiada masalah
Sorry (to apologize)Minta maaf
To speakAkan berkata
What does that word mean in English?Apa makna perkataan itu dalam bahasa Inggeris?
What is this?Apakah ini?
What should I say?Apa yang harus saya katakan?
What's that called in French?Apakah namanya dalam bahasa Perancis?
Write it down please!Tolong tuliskan!


If you have any questions, please contact me using the Malay contact form on the header above.

Here are the rest of the Malay phrases: Malay phrases, phrases 3, phrases 4. You can also simply click on one of the links below or go back to our Learn Malay homepage.

Lessons Malay Lessons
Linguistic Malay Vocabulary
Culture Malay Phrases
Structure Malay Grammar