
Hebrew Phrases (Common Expressions 3)

Duration: 30 min

Lessons Hebrew Lessons
Linguistic Hebrew Vocabulary
Culture Hebrew Phrases
Structure Hebrew Grammar

This is the third page about commonly used phrases in Hebrew. This should help you improve your speaking, reading and writing. Here are the links for the other 3 pages: phrases 1, phrases 2, phrases 4. Each page contains 100 common expressions. Going through each page should take about 30 min. Make sure to read the pronunciation and hear the audio as well. If you have any question about this course, please email me directly at Hebrew Classes.

Phrases Tips

To make sure you are more likely to remember each expression, try to first to read the sentence without hearing it, then click to hear how it is prnounced, then read it out loud 3 times while imagining yourself vividly talking to somone. Also try to practice what you memorized from time to time, to make it stick.

Here are the third 100 common sentences. You will find a lot of them are about asking for help in an emergency, wishing someone a happy holiday, or general questions ... etc.

Common Sentences in Hebrew

Sentences Hebrew
In The Morningבבוקר [Ba-boker]
In the eveningבערב [Ba-erev]
At Nightבלילה [Ba-layla]
Really!באמת [Be-emet]
Look!!הסתכל [Histakel / histakli]
Hurry up!מהר / י []
Some languages are hardיש שפות קשות [Yesh safot kashot]
Many students speak Koreanהרבה תלמידים מדברים קוראנית [Harbe talmidim medabrim koreanit]
How old is your sister??בת כמה אחותך [Bat kama akhotkha]
I love my husbandאני אוהבת את בעלי [Ani ohevet et ba'ali]
This is my wifeזאת אשתי [Zot ishti]
What's your brother called??איך קוראים לאח שלך [Eih korim le-akh shelkha?]
Where does your father work??איפה עובד אבא שלך [Eifo oved aba shelkha?]
Your daughter is very cuteהבת שלך חמודה מאד [Ha-bat shelkha khamuda me'od]
What time is it?מה השעה [Ma ha-sha'a?]
It's 10 o'clockהשעה עשר [Ha-sha'a eser]
Give me this!תן לי את זה [Ten li et ze]
I love youאני אוהב / ת אותך [Ani ohev / et otkha / otakh]
Are you free tomorrow evening??אתה פנוי / את פנויה מחר בערב [Ata panui / at pnuia makhar ba-erev?]
I would like to invite you for dinnerאני רוצה להזמין אותך לארוחת ערב [Ani rotze lehazmin otkha / otakh le-arukhat erev]
Are you married??אתה נשוי / את נשואה [Ata nasui / at nesu'a?]
I'm singleאני רווק / ה [Ani ravak / ravaka]
Would you marry me??האם תנשאי לי []
Can I have your phone number??אפשר לקבל את מספר הטלפון שלך [Efshar lekabel et mispar telefon shelkha / shelakh?]
Can I have your email?אפשר לקבל את כתובת הדואר האלקטרוני שלך [Efshar lekabel et ktovet ha-do'ar ha-elektroni shelkha / shelakh?]
Are you okay?אתה בסדר? [Ata beseder?]
Call a doctor!הזמן / הזמיני רופא [Hizmin / hizmini rofe]
Call the ambulance!תזמין אמבולנס [Tazmin ambulans]
Call the police!תתקשר למשטרה [Titkasher le-mishtara]
Calm down!הרגע / הירגעי [Herag'ea' / Hirg'i'i]
Fire!אש / שריפה [Esh / srifah]
I feel sickיש לי בחילה [Yesh li bkhila]
It hurts hereכואב כאן [Ko'ev can]
It's urgent!זה דחוף [Ze dakhuf]
Stop!תפסיק / י [Tafsik / i!]
Thief!גנב [Ganav]
Where is the closest pharmacy?איפה בית המרקחת הקרוב ביותר? [Eifo beit ha-mirkakhat ha-karov beioter]

More Sentences

English Hebrew
You look beautiful! (to a woman)את ניראת יפה [At niret yafa!]
You have a beautiful nameיש לך שם יפה [Yesh lakh shem yafe]
This is my wifeזאת אשתי [Zot ishti]
This is my husbandזה בעלי [Ze ba'ali]
I enjoyed myself very muchנהנתי מאד [Nehenati me'od]
I agree with youאני מסכים / ה איתך [Ani maskim / maskima itkha / itakh]
Are you sure??אתה בטוח / את בטוחה [Ata batuakh / at betukha?]
Be careful!הזהר / י [Hizhir / hizhiri]
Cheers!!לחיים [La-khaim]
Would you like to go for a walk?אתה / את רוצה ללכת לטיול [Ata / at rotze / a lalekhet le-ti'ul?]
Today is nice weatherהיום יום יפה [Ha-yom yom yafe]
Yesterday was bad weatherאתמול היה מזג אויר גרוע [Etmol haia mezeg avir garu'a]
What's that called in French??איך אומרים את זה בצרפתית [Eih omrim ze be-tzarfatit?]
I have a reservationיש לי הזמנה [Yesh li hazmana]
I have to goאני צריך / כה ללכת [Ani tzarikh / tzrikha lalekhet]
Where do you live?איפה אתהאת גרה [Eifo ata / at gar / gara?]
Spanish is easy to learnקל ללמוד ספרדית [Kal lilmod sfaradit]
Holiday Wishesחז שמח [Hag same'akh]
Good luck!בהצלחה [Be-atzlakha]
Happy birthday!יום הולדת שמח [Yom huledet same'akh]
Happy new year!שנה טובה [Shana tova]
Merry Christmas!חג מולד שמח [Hag mulad same'akh]
Congratulations!מזל טוב [Mazal tov]
Enjoy! (before eating)בתיאבון [Be-teiavon]
Bless you (when sneezing)לבריאות [La-briut]
Best wishes!כל טוב / איחולים לבביים [Kol tov / Ikhulim levaviim]
Can you take less??אפשר לשלם פחות [Efshar leshalem pakhot?]
Do you accept credit cards??אתם מקבלים כרטיסי אשראי [Atem mekablim kartisim ashrai?]
How much is this??כמה זה עולה [Kama ze oleh?]
I'm just lookingאני רק מסתכל / ת [Ani rak mistakel / et]
Only cash please!רק במזומן בבקשה [Rak be-mezuman bevakasha]
This is too expensiveזה יקר מדי [Ze yakar midai]
I'm vegetarianאני צמחוני / ת [Ani tzimhoni / t]
It is very delicious!זה טעים מאד [Ze ta'im me'od]
May we have the check please??אפשר לקבל את החשבון בבקשה [Efshar lekabel et ha-heshbon bevakasha?]
The bill please!החשבון בבקשה [Ha-heshbon bevakasha?]
Waiter / waitress!מלצר / מלצרית [Meltzer / it]
What do you recommend? (to eat)?מה את / ה ממליץ להזמין [Ma ata / at mamlitz lehazmin?]
What's the name of this dish??איך קוראים למנה הזאת [Eih korim le-mana hazot?]
Where is there a good restaurant??איפה יש מסעדה טובה [Eifo yesh misa'da tova?]
A cup ofכוס [Kos]
A glass ofכוס [Kos]
Are you thirsty?אתה / את צמא / ה [Ata / at tzema / tzma'a]
I'm hungryאני רעב / ה [Ani ra'ev / a]
Do you have a bottle of water??יש לך בקבוק מים [Yesh lekha bakbuk maim?]
Breakfast is readyארוחת הבוקר מוכנה [Arukhat ha-boker mukhana]
What kind of food do you like??איזה אוכל אתה / את אוהב / ת [Eize okhel ata / at ohev / et?]
I like cheeseאני אוהב / ת גבינה [Ani ohev / et gvina]
Bananas taste sweetלבננות יש טעם מתוק [Le-bananot yesh ta'am matok]
I don't like cucumberאני לא אוהב / ת מלפפון [Ani lo ohev / et melafefon]
I like bananasאני אהב / ת בננות [Ani ohev / et bananot]
Lemons taste sourללימון יש טעם חמוץ [Le-limon yesh ta'am khamutz]
This fruit is deliciousפרי זה טעים מאד [Pri ze ta'im me'od]
Vegetables are healthyירקות בריאים [Yerakot bri'im]


If you have any questions, please contact me If you simply want to ask a question, please Hebrew contact form on the header above.

Here are the rest of the Hebrew phrases: Hebrew phrases, phrases 2, phrases 4. You can also simply click on one of the links below or go back to our Learn Hebrew homepage.

Lessons Hebrew Lessons
Linguistic Hebrew Vocabulary
Culture Hebrew Phrases
Structure Hebrew Grammar