
Catalan Phrases (Common Expressions 4)

Duration: 30 min

Lessons Catalan Lessons
Linguistic Catalan Vocabulary
Culture Catalan Phrases
Structure Catalan Grammar

This is the fourth page about commonly used phrases in Catalan. This should help you improve your speaking, reading and writing. Here are the links for the other 3 pages: phrases 1, phrases 2, phrases 3. Each page contains 100 common expressions. Going through each page should take about 30 min. Make sure to read the pronunciation and hear the audio as well. If you have any question about this course, please email me directly at Catalan Classes.

Phrases Tips

To make sure you are more likely to remember each expression, try to first to read the sentence without hearing it, then click to hear how it is prnounced, then read it out loud 3 times while imagining yourself vividly talking to somone. Also try to practice what you memorized from time to time, to make it stick.

Here are the fourth 100 common phrases. You will find a lot of them are about weather conditions, asking someone to do something, or general questions ... etc.

Common Phrases in Catalan

Phrases Catalan
Do you have any animals?Tens animals?
Do you sell dog food?Vens menjar per a gossos?
I have a dogTinc un gos
Monkeys are funnyEls micos són graciosos
She likes catsLi agraden els gats
Tigers are fastEls tigres són ràpids
He is tallÉs alt
She is tallés alta
He is a short manÉs baixet
She is a short womanÉs baixeta
He is GermanÉs alemany
She is GermanÉs alemanya
Japanese men are friendlyEls japonesos són simpàtics
Japanese women are friendlyLes japoneses són simpàtiques.
Do you like my dress?T'agrada el meu vestit?
I lost my socksHe perdut els meus mitjons
It looks good on youEt queda bé
She has a beautiful ringTé un anell preciós
These pants (trousers) are longAquests pantalons són massa llargs
These shoes are smallAquestes sabates són petites
He feels with his handEll té el sentit del tacte amb la mà
I smell with my noseOloro amb el nas
She has beautiful eyesElla té uns ulls preciosos
She tastes with her tongueElla tasta amb la llengua
We see with our eyesHi veiem amb els ulls
You hear with your earsHi sentim amb les orelles
Can I come?Puc vindre?
Can I help you?Et puc ajudar?
Can you help me?Em pots ajudar?
Do you know her?La coneixes?
Do you speak English?Parles anglès?
How difficult is it?Com és de difícil?
How far is this?Com queda de lluny?
How much is this?Quant costa això?
How would you like to pay?Com t'agradaria pagar?
What is this called?Com es diu?
What is your name?Com et dius?
What time is it?Quin hora és?
When can we meet?Quan ens podem veure?
Where do you live?On vius?
Who is knocking at the door?Qui està picant a la porta?
Why is it expensive?Per què es car?

More Phrases

English Catalan
I have a dogTinc un gos
I speak ItalianJo parlo italià
I live in AmericaJo visc a Amèrica
This is my wifeAquesta és la meva dona.
This is my husbandAquest és el meu marit.
Can you close the door?Pots tancar la porta?
He is a policemanEll és policia
I have a long experienceTinc una llarga experiència
I'm a new employeeSóc un nou empleat
I'm an artistSóc artista
I'm looking for a jobEstic buscant feina
She is a singerElla és cantant
I was born in JulyVaig néixer al juliol
I will visit you in AugustEt visitaré a l'agost
See you tomorrow!Fins demà!
Today is Mondayavui és dilluns
Winter is very cold hereAquí l'hivern és molt fred
Yesterday was SundayAhir va ser diumenge
Black is his favorite colorel negre és el seu color preferit
I have black hairTinc els cabells negre
Red is not his favorite colorel vermell no és el seu color preferit
She drives a yellow carElla condueix un cotxe groc
The sky is blueel cel és blau
Your cat is whiteel teu gat és blanc
It's freezingFot un fred que pela!
It's coldFa fred!
It's hotFa calor!
So soSi fa, no fa!
Don't Go!No te'n vagis!
Come here!Vine aqui!
Go there!Ves allí!
Enter (the room)!Entra (a l'habitació)
Be quiet!Estigues callat!
Turn rightTomba a la dreta
Turn leftTomba a l'esquerra
Go straightVes recte
Let's go!Anem!
Be careful!Vigila!
Sit down!Seu
Let me show you!Deixa que t'ho ensenyi
Write it down!escriu-lo
I can see the starsPuc veure les estrelles
I want to go to the beachVull anar a la platja
The moon is full tonightAquesta nit hi ha lluna plena
This is a beautiful gardenAquest és un bonic jardí
Can you close the door?Pots tancar la porta?
Can you open the window?Pots obrir la finestra?
I need to use the computerTinc que utilitzar l'ordinador
I need to use the toiletHe d'utilitzar el lavabo
I'm watching televisionEstic mirant la televisió
This room is very bigL'habitació és molt gran
You are happyEstàs content/a
You are as happy as MayaEstàs igual de content/a que la/el Maya
You are happier than MayaEts mes feliç que Maya
You are the happiestEts el/la més content/a


If you have any questions, please contact me using the Catalan contact form on the header above.

Here are the rest of the Catalan phrases: Catalan phrases, phrases 2, phrases 3. You can also simply click on one of the links below or go back to our Learn Catalan homepage.

Lessons Catalan Lessons
Linguistic Catalan Vocabulary
Culture Catalan Phrases
Structure Catalan Grammar