This is the third page about commonly used phrases in Catalan. This should help you improve your speaking, reading and writing. Here are the links for the other 3 pages: phrases 1, phrases 2, phrases 4. Each page contains 100 common expressions. Going through each page should take about 30 min. Make sure to read the pronunciation and hear the audio as well. If you have any question about this course, please email me directly at Catalan Classes.
To make sure you are more likely to remember each expression, try to first to read the sentence without hearing it, then click to hear how it is prnounced, then read it out loud 3 times while imagining yourself vividly talking to somone. Also try to practice what you memorized from time to time, to make it stick.
Here are the third 100 common sentences. You will find a lot of them are about asking for help in an emergency, wishing someone a happy holiday, or general questions ... etc.
Sentences | Catalan |
In The Morning | Al matí |
In the evening | Al vespre |
At Night | A la nit |
Really! | De veritat! |
Look! | Mira! |
Hurry up! | Afana't! |
Some languages are hard | Alguns idiomes són difícils |
Many students speak Korean | Molts alumnes/estudiants parlen coreà. |
How old is your sister? | Quina edat té la teva germana? |
I love my husband | Estimo al meu marit |
This is my wife | Aquesta és la meva dona. |
What's your brother called? | Com es diu el teu germà? |
Where does your father work? | On treballa el teu pare? |
Your daughter is very cute | La teva filla és molt maca |
What time is it? | Quin hora és? |
It's 10 o'clock | Són les 10.00. |
Give me this! | Dona'm això! |
I love you | T'estimo |
Are you free tomorrow evening? | Estàs lliure demà al vespre? |
I would like to invite you for dinner | M'agradaria convidar-te per anar a sopar |
Are you married? | Estàs casat/da? |
I'm single | Estic solter/a |
Would you marry me? | Et casaries amb mí? |
Can I have your phone number? | Em dones el teu número de telèfon? |
Can I have your email? | Em dones la teva adreça electrònica? |
Are you okay? | estàs bé? |
Call a doctor! | truca al metge! |
Call the ambulance! | truca a una ambulància! |
Call the police! | truca a la policia! |
Calm down! | Tranquil·litza't! |
Fire! | Foc! |
I feel sick | estic marejat/marejada |
It hurts here | Em fa mal aquí |
It's urgent! | És una urgència! |
Stop! | Para! |
Thief! | Lladre! |
Where is the closest pharmacy? | on és la farmàcia més a prop? |
English | Catalan |
You look beautiful! (to a woman) | Estàs preciosa! ( a una dona) |
You have a beautiful name | Tens un nom molt maco |
This is my wife | Aquesta és la meva dona. |
This is my husband | Aquest és el meu marit. |
I enjoyed myself very much | M'ho he passat molt bé. |
I agree with you | Estic d'acord amb tú |
Are you sure? | Estàs segur? |
Be careful! | Ves amb compte! |
Cheers! | Salut! |
Would you like to go for a walk? | Vols venir a caminar? |
Today is nice weather | Avui fa bon dia |
Yesterday was bad weather | Ahir va fer mal dia |
What's that called in French? | Com es diu en francès? |
I have a reservation | Tinc una reserva |
I have to go | He de marxar |
Where do you live? | On vius? |
Spanish is easy to learn | L'espanyol es fàcil d'aprendre |
Holiday Wishes | Bones Festes! |
Good luck! | Bona sort! |
Happy birthday! | Feliç aniversari! |
Happy new year! | Bon Any Nou! |
Merry Christmas! | Bon Nadal! |
Congratulations! | Felicitats! |
Enjoy! (before eating) | Bon profit! |
Bless you (when sneezing) | Salut |
Best wishes! | Felicitats! (Celebration) |
Can you take less? | Podries acceptar menys? |
Do you accept credit cards? | Accepten targetes de crèdit? |
How much is this? | Quant costa això? |
I'm just looking | Només estic mirant |
Only cash please! | Només en efectiu, per favor! |
This is too expensive | Això és molt car! |
I'm vegetarian | Sóc vegeterià |
It is very delicious! | Està deliciós! |
May we have the check please? | Ens pot portar el compte, si us plau? |
The bill please! | El compte, si us plau! |
Waiter / waitress! | cambrer/ cambrera! |
What do you recommend? (to eat) | Què em recomana? (per menjar) |
What's the name of this dish? | Com és diu aquest plat? |
Where is there a good restaurant? | On puc trobar un bon restaurant? |
A cup of | Una tassa de |
A glass of | Un tassó de |
Are you thirsty? | Tens set? |
I'm hungry | Tinc gana |
Do you have a bottle of water? | Tens una ampolla d'aigua? |
Breakfast is ready | L'esmorzar és a punt |
What kind of food do you like? | Quin tipus de menjar t'agrada? |
I like cheese | M'agrada el formatge |
Bananas taste sweet | Els plàtans són dolços |
I don't like cucumber | No m'agrada el cogombre |
I like bananas | M'agraden els plàtans |
Lemons taste sour | Les llimones són agres |
This fruit is delicious | Aquesta fruita és deliciosa |
Vegetables are healthy | Les verdures són saludables |
If you have any questions, please contact me using the Catalan contact form on the header above.
Here are the rest of the Catalan phrases: Catalan phrases, phrases 2, phrases 4. You can also simply click on one of the links below or go back to our Learn Catalan homepage.