
Catalan Phrases (Common Expressions 2)

Duration: 30 min

Lessons Catalan Lessons
Linguistic Catalan Vocabulary
Culture Catalan Phrases
Structure Catalan Grammar

This is the second page about commonly used phrases in Catalan. This should help you improve your speaking, reading and writing. Here are the links for the other 3 pages: phrases 1, phrases 3, phrases 4. Each page contains 100 common expressions. Going through each page should take about 30 min. Make sure to read the pronunciation and hear the audio as well. If you have any question about this course, please email me directly at Catalan Classes.

Phrases Tips

To make sure you are more likely to remember each expression, try to first to read the sentence without hearing it, then click to hear how it is prnounced, then read it out loud 3 times while imagining yourself vividly talking to somone. Also try to practice what you memorized from time to time, to make it stick.

Here are the second 100 common phrases. You will find a lot of them are about giving or asking for directions, asking general questions ... etc.

Common Expressions in Catalan

Expressions Catalan
Do you speak English?Parles anglès?
Just a littleUn poc
What's your name?Com et dius?
My name is (John Doe)Em dic (John Doe)
Mr... / Mrs. ... / Miss...Sr.../ Sra.../ Senyoreta...
Nice to meet you!Encantat/ada de conèixer-te!
You're very kind!Ets moltamable!
Where are you from?D'on ets?
I'm from the U.SSóc dels Estats Units
I'm AmericanSóc Americà
Where do you live?On vius?
I live in the U.SVisc als Estats Units
Do you like it here?T'agrada aquí?
I'm 30 years oldTinc trenta anys.
I have 2 sisters and 1 brotherTinc 2 germanes i un germà.
English is my first languageL'anglès és la meva primera llengua.
Her second language is SpanishEl seu segon idioma és el castellà
What's the name of that book?Com es diu aquest llibre?
What do you do for a living?Que fas a la vida?
I'm a (teacher / artist / engineer)Jo sóc (professor/artista/enginyer)
Oh! That's good!Oh! Això està bé!
Can I practice with youPuc practicar amb tu?
Don't worry!No t'amoïnis!
I cannot remember the wordNo me'n recordo de la paraula.
I do not speak JapaneseNo parlo japonès.
I don't know!No ho sé!
I'm not fluent in Italian yetNo parlo l'italià amb fluïdesa.
I'm not interested!No m'interessa!
No one here speaks GreekNingú aquí no parla grec.
No problem!Cap problema!
This is not correctAixò no és correcte!
This is wrongAixò està equivocat.
We don't understandNo entenem
You should not forget this wordNo hauries d'oblidar aquesta paraula.

More Expressions

English Catalan
How old are you?Quants anys tens?
I'm (twenty, thirty...) Years oldTinc (vint, trenta...) anys
Are you married?Estàs casat?
Do you have children?Tens fills?
I have to goHe de marxar
I will be right back!Ara torno!
I love youT'estimo
She is beautiful(Ella) és preciosa
They are dancing(Ells) Ballen
We are happyEstem contents
Can you call us?Ens pots trucar?
Give me your phone numberDóna'm el teu telèfon.
I can give you my emailEt puc donar la meva adreça electrònica.
Tell him to call meDigues-l'hi que em truqui.
His email is...el seu correu electronic és...
My phone number is...El meu número de telèfon és...
Our dream is to visit SpainEl nostre somni és visitar Espanya
Their country is beautifulEl seu país és formós
Do you accept credit cards?Accepten targetes de crèdit?
How much will it cost?Quan em costarà?
I have a reservationTinc una reserva
I'd like to rent a carM'agradaria llogar un cotxe
I'm here on business / on vacation.Sóc aquí per treball/ de vacances
Is this seat taken?Està ocupat aquest seient?
It was nice meeting youVa ser un plaer conèixer-te
Take this! (when giving something)Té ( quan es dona quelcom)
Do you like it?T'agrada?
I really like it!Realment m'agrada!
I'm just kiddingNomés estic fent broma
I'm hungryTinc gana
I'm thirstyTinc sed
Why?per què?
Can you repeat?Pots repetir-ho?
Can you speak slowly?Pots parlar a poc a poc?
Did you understand what I said?Vas entendre el que vaig dir?
Don't worry!No t'amoïnis!
Excuse me? (i.e. I beg your pardon?)Perdoni
How do you say "OK" in French?Com es diu ""d'acord"" en francés?
I don't know!No ho sé!
I don't understand!No entenc
I need to practice my FrenchNecessito practicar el meu francès
Is that right?És correcte?
Is that wrong?És incorrecte?
My French is badEl meu francès és dolent
No problem!Cap problema!
Slowlya poc a poc
Sorry (to apologize)Ho sento
To speakParlar
What does that word mean in English?Què vol dir aquesta paraula en anglès?
What is this?Què és això?
What should I say?Què hauria de dir?
What's that called in French?Com es diu en francès?
Write it down please!Anota-ho, si us plau!


If you have any questions, please contact me using the Catalan contact form on the header above.

Here are the rest of the Catalan phrases: Catalan phrases, phrases 3, phrases 4. You can also simply click on one of the links below or go back to our Learn Catalan homepage.

Lessons Catalan Lessons
Linguistic Catalan Vocabulary
Culture Catalan Phrases
Structure Catalan Grammar