
Portuguese Lesson 8 (Pronouns and Travel)

Duration: 30 mins

The 8th lesson contains the Portuguese pronouns including the subject, object and possessive forms. In addition, you will find a vocabulary list about travel and finally some general common phrases. I will try to give examples using both vocabulary and grammar. That way it will be easy for you to see the words when they are separate and when they are in a sentence. Going through the whole page should take about 30 min. Make sure to read the pronunciation and hear the audio as well. If you have any question about this course, please email me directly at Portuguese Classes.


Pronouns are a must to learn because they are part of almost every sentence. They make up about 20% of the daily language use which includes the subject, object and possessive pronoun. If there is an lesson you should NOT skip, this would be one of them.

We will start with the subject pronouns since it's the most used of the 4 forms that you might come across or use very often. The table contains 3 columns (English, Portuguese, and Audio). Make sure you repeat each word after hearing it by either clicking on the audio button or by reading the pronunciation. That should help with memorization as well as improving your pronunciation.

Subject Pronouns in Portuguese

Pronouns Portuguese Audio
You (plural)Vocês / Vós
Theyeles, elas
I love youeu amo-te
She is beautifulela é linda
They are dancingEles estão a dançar
We are happyNós somos felizes

Object pronouns are another important one you should make sure you master.

Object Pronouns in Portuguese

Pronouns Portuguese Audio
You-te; -o; -a ;-lo; -la;
Him-o; -lo; -no
Her-a; -la; -na
You (plural)-os; -los; -nos; -as; -las; -nas
Themos / as; lhes
Can you call us?Podes ligar-nos?
Give me your phone numberDá-me o teu número de telefone.
I can give you my emailPosso dar-te o meu e-mail.
Tell him to call meDiz-lhe para me ligar.

Now we will discuss the possessive pronoun also called possessive determiners which is very straight forward and self explanatory. You use it when you want to express that something belongs to you but usually it comes before a noun.

Possessive Pronouns Portuguese

Pronouns Portuguese Audio
Mymeu(s) / minha(s)
Yourteu(tua) / seu(sua)
Hisseu(sua) / dele
Hersua / dela
Ournosso(a) / nossos(as)
Your (plural)vosso(a) / vossos(as)
Theirseus, suas
His email is...O e-mail dele é
My phone number is...O meu número de telefone é
Our dream is to visit SpainO nosso sonho é visitar Espanha
Their country is beautifulO país deles é bonito


If you have any questions, please contact me If you simply want to ask a question, please Portuguese contact form on the header above.

As for the possessive case of the pronoun, it is used differently because it does not have to come before a noun. Check out the examples!

Possessive Case of the Pronoun in Portuguese

Pronouns Portuguese Audio
Minemeu(s) / minha(s)
Yoursteu(tua) / seu(sua)
Hisseu(sua) / dele
Herssua / dela
Oursnosso, nossa
Yours (plural)seu
Theirsseus, suas (deles, delas)
Is this pen yours?Esta caneta é tua?
The book is mineO livro é meu
The shoes are hersOs sapatos são dela
Victory is oursA vitória é nossa

Vocabulary List about Travel

Below is a list of 31 words and expressions related to travel such as means of transportation, lodging and tourism. If you memorize them by heart, you will be able to get around the country and ask for directions much easier than if you did not.

Travel List in Portuguese

Travel Portuguese Audio
BusAutocarro (PT) / Ônibus (BR)
Bus stationEstação rodoviária
CarCarro / automóvel
For businessEm negócios
For pleasurePara recreação
Help DeskBalcão de informações / Guiché (PT) / Guichê (BR)
ParkingParque de estacionamento
To travelViajar
Train (noun)Comboio (PT) / Trem (BR)
Train stationEstação de comboios (PT) / Estação de trem (BR)
By trainDe comboio
By carDe carro
By busDe autocarro
By taxiDe táxi
By airplaneDe avião

Daily Conversation in Portuguese

Finally, a list of sentences that you might need or see often. For a complete list of commonly used sentences, please visit our Portuguese Phrases page. Enjoy!

Common Expressions in Portuguese

English Portuguese Audio
Do you accept credit cards?Aceita cartão de crédito?
How much will it cost?Quanto custa?
I have a reservationTenho uma reserva
I'd like to rent a carGostaria de / Queria alugar um carro
I'm here on business / on vacation.Estou aqui em negócios / de férias
Is this seat taken?Este lugar está ocupado?
It was nice meeting youFoi um prazer conhecer-te
Take this! (when giving something)Isto é para ti / Toma!
Do you like it?Gostas?
I really like it!Gosto muito!
I'm just kiddingEstou a brincar
I'm hungryTenho fome
I'm thirstyTenho sede

Fun Facts

Language Quote: Approximately one new word is added to the English language every two hours and around 4,000 new words are added to the English dictionary every year..

Congratulations! You finished your 8th lesson in Portuguese about the pronouns, and travel expressions. Are you ready for the next lesson? We recommend Portuguese Lesson 9. You can also simply click on one of the links below or go back to our Learn Portuguese homepage.