
Romanian Phrases (Common Expressions 2)

Duration: 30 min

This is the second page about commonly used phrases in Romanian. This should help you improve your speaking, reading and writing. Here is the link for the other page: phrases 1. Make sure to read the pronunciation and hear the audio as well. If you have any question about this course, please email me directly at Romanian Classes.

Phrases Tips

To make sure you are more likely to remember each expression, try to first to read the sentence without hearing it, then click to hear how it is prnounced, then read it out loud 3 times while imagining yourself vividly talking to somone. Also try to practice what you memorized from time to time, to make it stick.

Here are the second 100 common phrases. You will find a lot of them are about giving or asking for directions, asking general questions ... etc.

Common Expressions in Romanian

Expressions Romanian Audio
Don't Go!Nu te duce!
Come here!Vino aici!
Be quiet!Taci!
Go straightMergi drept inainte
Let's go!Sa mergem!
Sit down!Stai jos!
Good luck!Noroc!
Happy birthday!La multi ani!
Happy new year!La multi ani!
Merry Christmas!Craciun fericit!
Do you have a bottle of water?Ai o sticla cu apa?
Breakfast is readyMicul dejun este pregatit
What kind of food do you like?Ce fel de mancare iti place?
Bananas taste sweetBananele sunt dulci
I don't like cucumberMie nu imi place castravetele
I like bananasMie imi plac bananele
Lemons taste sourLamaile sunt acre
Vegetables are healthyLegumele sunt sanatoase
I love the Japanese languageIubesc limba japoneza
I want to learn SpanishVreau sa invat spaniola
My mother tongue is GermanLimba mea materna e germana
Spanish is easy to learnSpaniola e usor de invatat
He has a Moroccan rugEl are un covor marocan
I have an American carEu am o masina americana
My father is GreekTatal meu e grec
My wife is KoreanSotia mea e coreeana
Have you ever been to India?Ati fost vreodata in India?
I came from SpainEu vin din Spania
I live in AmericaLocuiesc in America
Japan is a beautiful countryJaponia e o tara frumoasa

More Expressions

English Romanian Audio
Long time no seeNu v-am vazut de mult
I missed youMi-a fost dor de tine
What's new?Ce e nou?
Nothing newNimic nou
Make yourself at home!Simte-te ca acasa!
Have a good tripDrum bun
I was born in MiamiM-am nascut in Miami
I'm from JapanEu sunt din Japonia
The letter is inside the bookScrisoarea este in interiorul carti
The pen is under the deskStiloul este sub birou
Downtown (city center)Centru
Excuse me! (to ask someone)Scuzati-ma!
Go straightMergi drept inainte
How can I get to the museum?Cum ajung la muzeu?
How long does it take to get there?Cat timp dureaza sa ajung acolo?
It's far from hereEste departe
It's near hereEste aproape
One moment please!O clipa te rog!
I'm thirty years oldEu am treizeci de ani
I have 2 sisters and one brotherEu am doua surori si un frate
English is my first languageEngleza e prima mea limba
Her second language is SpanishA doua limba a ei este spaniola
What do you do for a living?Unde lucrati?
I'm a (teacher/ artist/ engineer)Eu sunt un (profesor/artist/inginer)
Oh! That's good!Oh! Asta este bine!
Can I practice with you?Pot sa invat cu tine
I'm not interested!Nu ma intereseaza!
This is not correctAsta nu este corect
This is wrongAsta este gresit
We don't understandNoi nu intelegem
You should not forget this wordNu ar trebui sa uitam acest cuvant
He feels with his handEl atinge cu mana lui
She tastes with her tongueEa gusta cu limba ei
We see with our eyesNoi vedem cu ochii nostri
You hear with your earsTu auzi cu urechile tale
She is beautifulEa este frumoasa
They are dancingEi danseaza
We are happyNoi suntem fericiti
Can you call us?Ne puteti suna?
Tell him to call meSpune-i sa ma sune
Our dream is to visit SpainVisul nostru este sa vizitam Spania
Their country is beautifulTara lor este frumoasa
It was nice meeting youMi-a facut placere
Take this! (when giving something)Poftim!
I'm just kiddingDoar glumesc
I'm hungryMi-e foame
I'm thirstyMi-e sete
Can I come?Pot sa vin?
Do you know her?O cunosti?

More Expressions

English Romanian Audio
How difficult is it?Cat de dificil este?
How far is this?Cat de departe este?
How would you like to pay?Cum ati dori sa platiti?
Don't worry!Nu te ingrijora!
Excuse me? (i.e. I beg your pardon?)Scuza-ma?
How do you say ""OK"" in French?Cum zici ""Bine"" in franceza?
Is that right?Chiar asa?
Is that wrong?Asa e gresit?
I love my husbandEu imi iubesc sotul
This is my wifeAceasta este sotia mea
Where does your father work?Unde lucreaza tatal tau?
Your daughter is very cuteFiica ta este foarte draguta
What time is it?Cat este ceasul?
It's 10 o'clockEste ora 10
Give me this!Da-mi asta!
I live in AmericaLocuiesc in America
This is my wifeAceasta este sotia mea
This is my husbandAcesta este sotul meu
Can you close the door?Poti sa inchizi usa?
I have a long experienceEu am o experienta indelungata
I'm a new employeeEu sunt un angajat nou
She is a singerEa este o cantareata
What's that called in French?Cum se numeste asta in franceza?
I have a reservationAm o rezervare
I have to goTrebuie sa plec
Spanish is easy to learnSpaniola e usor de invatat
Where is the closest pharmacy?unde este cea mai apropiată farmacie?
You look beautiful! (to a woman)Sunteti frumoasa!
You have a beautiful nameAveti un nume frumos
This is my wifeAceasta este sotia mea
This is my husbandAcesta este sotul meu
Can you close the door?Poti sa inchizi usa?
I need to use the toiletAm nevoie sa merg la toaleta
I'm watching televisionMa uit la televizor
This room is very bigCamera e foarte mare
Holiday WishesUrari de Sarbatori
Enjoy! (before eating)Pofta buna!
Bless you (when sneezing)Sanatate


If you have any questions, please contact me using the Romanian contact form on the header above.

Here is the second page for the Romanian phrases: phrases 2. You can also simply click on one of the links below or go back to our Learn Romanian homepage.