
Romanian Phrases (Common Expressions)

Duration: 30 min

This section contains 400 of the most used phrases in Romanian. This should help you improve your speaking, reading and writing. Exploring the whole list will make it easier to start conversations and understand what was said to you. I divided this section into 2 pages, the first 100 are listed on this page. Here is the link for the other page: phrases 2. Make sure to read the pronunciation and hear the audio as well. If you have any question about this course, please email me directly at Romanian Classes.

Phrases Tips

To make sure you are more likely to remember each expression, try to first to read the sentence without hearing it, then click to hear how it is prnounced, then read it out loud 3 times while imagining yourself vividly talking to somone. Also try to practice what you memorized from time to time, to make it stick.

Here are the first 100 common phrases. You will find a lot of them are about greeting someone, introducing yourself or asking where someone is from ... etc. Basically, these are expressions which you might use when starting a conversation with someone you have just met.

Phrases in Romanian

Phrases Romanian Audio
Do you accept credit cards?Acceptati carti de credit?
How much will it cost?Cat va costa?
I have a reservationAm o rezervare
I'd like to rent a carDoresc sa inchiriez o masina
I'm here on business /on vacation.Sunt aici pentru afaceri/in vacanta.
Is this seat taken?E ocupat locul acesta?
Can you take less?Acceptati mai putin?
Do you accept credit cards?Acceptati carti de credit?
How much is this?Cat costa asta?
I'm just lookingDoar ma uit
Only cash please!Doar bani pesin, va rog!
This is very expensiveAceasta este foarte scumpa
Do you speak English?Vorbiti engleza?
Just a littleDoar putin
What's your name?Cum va numiti?
My name is (John Doe)Ma numesc (John Doe)
Mr.../ Mrs. .../ Miss...Dl.../Dna.../Dra...
Nice to meet you!Ma bucur sa va cunosc!
You're very kind!
Where are you from?De unde sunteti?
I'm from the U.SEu sunt din Statele Unite
I'm AmericanEu sunt american
Where do you live?Unde locuiti?
I live in the U.SEu locuiesc in Statele Unite
Do you like it here?Va place acolo?
How old are you?Ce varsta aveti?
I'm thirty years oldAm (douazeci, treizeci...) de ani
Are you married?Sunteti casatorit?
Do you have children?Aveti copii?
I have to goTrebuie sa plec
I will be right back!Revin repede!
I'm vegetarianEu sunt vegetarian
It is very delicious!E foarte delicios!
May we have the check please?Putem primi nota, va rog?
The bill please!Nota va rog!

More Sentences

English Romanian Audio
Waiter / waitress!Chelner!
What do you recommend? (to eat)Ce recomandati?
What's the name of this dish?Cum se numeste acest fel de mancare?
Do you have any animals?Ai animale?
I have a dogEu am un caine
My French is badFranceza mea este slaba
I need to practice my FrenchTrebuie sa imi exersez franceza
Would you like to go for a walk?Doriti sa mergeti la o plimbare?
Can I have your phone number?Imi puteti da numarul dumneavoastra de telefon?
Can I have your email?Imi puteti da adresa dumneavoastra de email?
Are you married?Sunteti casatorit?
I'm singleSunt necasatorit
Are you free tomorrow evening?Sunteti liber maine seara?
I would like to invite you for dinnerMi-ar placea sa va invit la cina
Where do you live?Unde locuiti?
Do you like it?Va place?
I really like it!Imi place intr-adevar!
I love youTe iubesc
Would you marry me?Vrei sa fii sotia mea?
I have a dogEu am un caine
I speak ItalianVorbesc italiana
I don't know!Nu stiu!
I don't understand!Nu inteleg!
Can you repeat?Puteti repeta?
Can you speak slowly?Puteti vorbi rar?
Did you understand what I said?Ati inteles ce am spus eu?
What does that word mean in English?Ce inseamna acest cuvant in engleza?
What is this?Ce este asta?
What is this called?Cum se numeste asta?
Write it down please!Va rog sa scrieti!
Can I help you?Te pot ajuta?
Can you help me?Ma poti ajuta?
Do you speak English?Vorbiti engleza?
How much is this?Cat costa asta?
What is your name?Cum va numiti?
What time is it?Cat este ceasul?
When can we meet?Cand ne putem intalni?
Where do you live?Unde locuiti?
Who is knocking at the door?Cine bate la usa?
Why is it expensive?De ce este scump ?
Don't worry!Nu te ingrijora!
I cannot remember the wordNu imi amintesc cuvantul
I do not speak JapaneseEu nu vorbesc japoneza
I don't know!Nu stiu!
I'm not fluent in Italian yetInca nu vorbesc fluent italiana
No one here speaks GreekNimeni altcineva aici nu vorbeste greaca
No problem!Nici o problema!


If you have any questions, please contact me using the Romanian contact form on the header above.

Here is the second page for the Romanian phrases: phrases 2. You can also simply click on one of the links below or go back to our Learn Romanian homepage.