
Persian Lesson 9 (Questions and Misunderstanding)

Duration: 30 mins

Lessons Persian Lessons
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Culture Persian Phrases
Structure Persian Grammar

This 9th lesson teaches an important aspect in Persian which is the interrogative form also called questions. In addition, there is a list of vocabulary terms about misunderstanding and finally some commonly used phrases. I will try to give examples using both vocabulary and grammar. That way it will be easy for you to see the words when they are separate and when they are in a sentence. Going through the whole page should take about 30 min. Make sure to read the pronunciation and hear the audio as well. If you have any question about this course, please email me directly at Persian Classes.


Being able to ask questions is what makes us curious beings, which in turns broadens our knowledge. It is no different when it comes to learning Persian. You will always be asking questions, and the following are some tools to help you in that quest.

The following are the 5 Ws + "how" commonly used adverbs to express the interrogative form. Most likely, whenever a question needs to be asked, one of them should be used. The table contains 3 columns (English, Persian, and Audio). Make sure you repeat each word after hearing it by either clicking on the audio button or by reading the pronunciation. That should help with memorization as well as improving your pronunciation.

Interrogative Form in Persian

Questions Persian Audio
How?چطور؟/ چگونه؟
When?چه وقتی؟
Who?چه کسی؟

Now we will try to implement the adverbs above into full Persian sentences. That way you will be able to use the word not only by itself but embedded in a structure.

Persian Questions in a Sentence

Can I come?من می‌توانم بیایم؟
Can I help you?می توانم کمکتان کنم؟
Can you help me?می توانید به من کمک کنید؟
Do you know her?او را می‌شناسی؟
Do you speak English?انگلیسی می‌دانید؟
How difficult is it?این چقدر سخت است؟
How far is this?چقدر تا این‌جا فاصله است؟
How much is this?قیمت این چقدر است؟
How would you like to pay?چطور می‌خواهید پرداخت کنید؟
What is this called?نام این چیست؟
What is your name?اسم شما چیست؟
What time is it?ساعت چند است؟
When can we meet?کی می‌توانیم ملاقات کنیم؟
Where do you live?کجا زندگی می‌کنی؟
Who is knocking at the door?چه کسی در می‌زند؟
Why is it expensive?چرا این گران است؟


If you have any questions, please contact me using the Persian contact form on the header above.

Vocabulary List about Misunderstanding

There are times when you will not understand what a person said in Persian, or simply that you want them to repeat a word. The following are 24 expressions used to clear misunderstandings. Very essential to any conversation!

Misunderstanding in Persian

Misunderstanding Persian Audio
Can you repeat?می‌شود تکرار کنید؟
Can you speak slowly?می شود آهسته تر / شمرده تر صحبت کنید؟
Did you understand what I said?آیا متوجه حرف ها/صحبت ها / منظور من می شوید؟
Don't worry!نگران نباش
Excuse me? (i.e. I beg your pardon?)ببخشید؟؟
How do you say "OK" in French?به زبان فرانسوی چگونه می‌گویید «اوکی»؟
I don't know!نمی‌دانم
I don't understand!متوجه نمی شوم!
I need to practice my Frenchمن باید زبان فرانسوی را بیشتر تمرین کنم
Is that right?آیا صحیح است؟
Is that wrong?آیا اشتباه است؟
Mistakeاشتباه / خطا
My French is badفرانسوی من ضعیف است
No problem!مسئله‌ای نیست
Slowlyبه آرامی/ آهسته
Sorry (to apologize)معذرت می خواهم
To speakصحبت
What does that word mean in English?معنی این کلمه به زبان انگلیسی چیست؟
What is this?این چیست؟
What should I say?چه چیزی باید می گفتم؟
What's that called in French?آن به زبان فرانسوی چه می‌شود؟‌
Write it down please!لطفا بنویسید

Daily Conversation in Persian

Finally, a list of some common phrases that you might come across from time to time. For a complete list of commonly used sentences, please visit our Persian Phrases page. Enjoy!

Common Expressions in Persian

English Persian Audio
In The Morning(هنگام) صبح
In the evening(هنگام) عصر
At Nightشب
Look!نگاه کن!
Hurry up!زود باش!

Fun Facts

Language Quote: The oldest written language was believed to be written in about 4500 BC.

Congratulations! You finished your 9th lesson in Persian about questions, and misunderstanding. Are you ready for the next lesson? We recommend Persian Lesson 10. You can also simply click on one of the links below or go back to our Learn Persian homepage.

Lessons Persian Lessons
Linguistic Persian Vocabulary
Culture Persian Phrases
Structure Persian Grammar