This first lesson teaches many important aspect of Georgian like prepositions, vocabulary list about directions and finally common phrases about how to introduce yourself. I will try to give examples using both vocabulary and grammar. That way it will be easy for you to see the words when they are separate and when they are in a sentence. Going through the whole page should take about 30 min. Make sure to read the pronunciation and hear the audio as well. If you have any question about this course, please email me directly at Georgian Classes.
Prepositions are used in almost every sentence. They can be a great tool to link words with each other. For example by simply knowing how to use "to", "with", "from", "after" you can expand your conversation scope. In short, a preposition describes a relationship between words in a sentence, for example: I agree with you.
Below is a list of 27 prepositions that you might come across or use very often. The table contains 3 columns (English, Georgian, and Audio). Make sure you repeat each word after hearing it by either clicking on the audio button or by reading the pronunciation. That should help with memorization as well as improving your pronunciation.
Prepositions | Georgian |
In front of | წინ ts'in |
Behind | უკან uk'an |
Before | –მდე –mde |
After | შემდეგ shemdeg |
Inside | შიგნით shignit |
With | ერთად ertad |
Without | გარეშე gareshe |
Outside | გარეთ garet |
On top of | ამასთან ერთად amastan ertad |
Under | ქვეშ kvesh |
About (in regards to) | შესახებ shesakheb |
Against | წინააღმდეგ, წინ ts'inaaghmdeg, ts'in |
And | და da |
As (similar to) | როგორც rogorts |
Between | შორის shoris |
But | მაგრამ magram |
For | განმავლობაში, –თვის ganmavlobashi, –tvis |
From | –დან –dan |
In | –ში –shi |
Instead of | ნაცვლად natsvlad |
Near | ახლოს akhlos |
Of | –ს –s |
Or | ან an |
Since | –დან –dan |
So | მაშასადამე mashasadame |
To | |
Until | სანამ sanam |
Now we will try to implement some of the prepositions above into full Georgian sentences. That way you will be able to use the word not only by itself but embedded in a structure.
English | Georgian | |
Can I practice Italian with you? | შეიძლება შენთან ერთად ვისწავლო იტალიური sheidzleba sgentan ertad vistsavlo italiuri | |
I speak French but with an accent | მე ვლაპარაკობ ფრანგულად, მაგრამ აქცენტით me vlaparakob prangulad magram aqtsentit | |
I was born in Miami | მე დავიბადე მაიამიში me davibade maiamishi | |
I'm from Japan | მე იაპონიიდან ვარ me iaponiidan var | |
The letter is inside the book | წერილი წიგნშია tserili tsignshia | |
The pen is under the desk | ფანქარი მერხის ქვეშაა pankari merkhis qveshaa | |
Directions | ||
Can I help you? | რით შემიზლია დაგეხმაროთ? rit shemidzlia dagekhmarot |
If you have any questions, please contact me using the Georgian contact form on the header above.
Below is a list of 28 words and sentences related to directions that you might need when lost or asking for help. If you can memorize them by heart, you will be able to travel from point A to point B by following directions.
Directions | Georgian |
Can you help me? | შეგილიათ დამეხმაროთ? shegidzliat damekhmarot |
Can you show me? | თუ შეიძლება მაჩვენეთ tu sheidzleba machvenet |
Come with me! | წამომყევით tsamomkhjevit |
Downtown (city center) | გარეუბანი (ქალაქის ცენრი) gareubani (qalaqis tsentri) |
Excuse me! (to ask someone) | უკაცრავად ukatsravad |
Go straight | იარეთ პირდაპირ iaret pirdapir |
How can I get to the museum? | როგორ მივიდე მუზეუმამდე? rogor mivide muzeumamde |
How long does it take to get there? | რამდენი ხანი უნდა იქამდე მისვლას? ramdeni khani unda iqamde misvlas |
I'm lost | მე დავიკარგე me davikarge |
I'm not from here | მე აქაური არ ვარ me aqauri ar var |
It's far from here | ეს აქედან შორსაა es aqedan shorsaa |
It's near here | ეს აქ ახლოსაა es aq akhlosaa |
One moment please! | ერთი წუთით თუ შეიძლება / erti tsutit tu sheidzleba / |
Turn left | შეუხვიეთ მარცხნივ sheukhviet martskhniv |
Turn right | შეუხვიეთ მარჯვნივ sheukhviet mardzjvniv |
Far | შორს shors |
Here | აქ aq |
Left | მარცხნივ martskhniv |
Right | მაჯვნივ mardzjvniv |
Near | ახლოს akhlos |
Straight | პირდაპირ pirdapir |
There | იქ iq |
To drive | –სკენ, –მდე –sk'en, –mde |
To turn | შესახვევი shesakhvevi |
To walk | ფეხით pekhit |
Traffic light | შუქნიშანი shuqnishani |
Transportation | გადაადგილება/ტრანსპორტირება gadaadgileba / transportireba |
Finally, a couple sentences to help you know how to introduce yourself in Georgian. For a complete list of commonly used sentences, please visit our Georgian Phrases page. Enjoy!
English | Georgian |
Do you speak English? | ლაპარაკობ ინგლისურად? laparakob inglisurad |
Just a little | ერთი წუთით erti tsutit |
What's your name? | რა გქვია? ra gqvia |
My name is (John Doe) | ჩემი სახელია (ჯონ დო) chemi sakhelia (dzjon do |
Mr... / Mrs. ... / Miss... | ბატონი/ქალბატონი/ batoni/qalbatoni/ |
Nice to meet you! | სასიამოვნო იკჰო თქვენი გაცნობა sasiamovno ikho tkveni gatsnoba |
You're very kind! | ძალიან კეთილი ხართ/ძალიან დამავალეთ dzalian ketili xart / dzalian damavalet |
Language Quote: The language of a society changes slowly but steadily with the result that an educated person will not be able to read or understand words in his language written 500 years ago. Do you feel like you can't talk to your parents? Maybe it's because you belong to the Niger-Congo family. More than 1,400 languages are spoken by different members of this family from Africa..
Congratulations! You finished your 4th lesson in Georgian about prepositions, and directions. Are you ready for the next lesson? We recommend Georgian Lesson 5. You can also simply click on one of the links below or go back to our Learn Georgian homepage.