
Arabic Phrases (Common Expressions 4)

Duration: 30 min

Lessons Arabic Lessons
Linguistic Arabic Vocabulary
Culture Arabic Phrases
Structure Arabic Grammar

This is the fourth page about commonly used phrases in Arabic. This should help you improve your speaking, reading and writing. Here are the links for the other 3 pages: phrases 1, phrases 2, phrases 3. Each page contains 100 common expressions. Going through each page should take about 30 min. Make sure to read the pronunciation and hear the audio as well. If you have any question about this course, please email me directly at Arabic Classes.

Phrases Tips

To make sure you are more likely to remember each expression, try to first to read the sentence without hearing it, then click to hear how it is prnounced, then read it out loud 3 times while imagining yourself vividly talking to somone. Also try to practice what you memorized from time to time, to make it stick.

Here are the fourth 100 common phrases. You will find a lot of them are about weather conditions, asking someone to do something, or general questions ... etc.

Common Phrases in Arabic

Phrases Arabic Pronunciation Audio
Do you have any animals?هل لديك حيوأنات؟hal ladaik hayawanaat?
Do you sell dog food?هل تبيع طعام الكلب؟hal tabee' ta'am alkalb?
I have a dogعندي كلبendy kalb
Monkeys are funnyالقرود مضحكونalkurood mudhekoon
She likes catsهي تحب القططheya tuheb alketat
Tigers are fastالنمور سريعةanumoor sare'a
He is tallهو طويلhuwa taweel
She is tallهي طويلةhiya taweela
He is a short manهو رجل قصيرhuwa rajul qaseer
She is a short womanهي إمرأة قصيرةhiya emra'a qaseera
He is Germanهو ألمانيhuwa almani
She is Germanهي ألمانيةhiya almania
Japanese men are friendlyالرجال اليابانيين ودّيونarrejaal alyabanyoon wedeyoon
Japanese women are friendlyالنساء اليابانيات ودّياتanesaa' alyabaneyaat wedeyat
Do you like my dress?هل يعجبك لباسي؟hal yu'jebuk lebassi
I lost my socksلقد أضعت جواربيlaqad ada'tu jawarebi
It looks good on youإنها تبدو جميلة عليكennaha tabdoo jameela 'alayk
She has a beautiful ringلديها خاتم جميلladayha khatam jameel
These pants (trousers) are longهذا السروال طويلhaza asserwaal taweel
These shoes are smallهذه الأحذية صغيرةhazeh alahzya sagheera
He feels with his handهو يحس بيدهhuwa yuhes beyadeh
I smell with my noseأنا أشم بأنفيana ashum be'anfy
She has beautiful eyesهي لديها عيون جميلةhiya ladayha 'uyun jameela
She tastes with her tongueهي تتذوق بلسانهاhiya tatazawaq belesaneha
We see with our eyesنحن نرى بعيونناnahnu nara be'uyunena
You hear with your earsأنت تسمع بأذنكanta tasma' be'uzunek
Can I come?هل يمكنني المجيء؟hal yumkenuni almajee'?
Can I help you?أيمكنني مساعدتك؟ayumkenuni musa'adatak?
Can you help me?هل يمكنك مساعدتي؟hal yumkenuka musa'adati?
Do you know her?هل تعرفها؟hal ta'refuha?
Do you speak English?هل تتكلم بالإنجليزية؟hal tatakalam belenjlizia?
How difficult is it?ما مدى صعوبتها؟mamaza su'ubateha?
How far is this?كم هو بعده؟kam huwa bu'duh?
How much is this?بكم هذا؟bekam haza?
How would you like to pay?كيف تريد أن تدفع؟kaifa tureedu an tadfa'?
What is this called?ما إسم هذا؟ma ism haza?
What is your name?ما إسمك؟ma ismuk?
What time is it?كم الساعة؟kam assa'a?
When can we meet?متى يمكننا ان نلتقي؟mata yumkenuna an naltaqi?
Where do you live?أين تعيش؟ayna ta'eesh?
Who is knocking at the door?من يطرق الباب؟man yatruqu albab?
Why is it expensive?لماذا هي مكلفة؟lemaza hiya mukalefa?

More Phrases

English Arabic Pronunciation Audio
I have a dogعندي كلبendi kalb
I speak Italianأنا أتكلم الإيطاليةana atakallam alitalia
I live in Americaأنا أعيش في أمريكاana a'eesh fe amrika
This is my wifeهذه زوجتيhazeh zawjati
This is my husbandهذا زوجيhaza zawji
Can you close the door?هل يمكنك إغلاق الباب؟hal yumkenuka eghlaaq albab?
He is a policemanهو يعمل كشرطيhuwa ya'mal kashurtee
I have a long experienceلدي خبرة طويلةladaya khebra tawila
I'm a new employeeأنا موظف جديدana muwazaf jadeed
I'm an artistأنا فنانana fanaan
I'm looking for a jobأنا أبحث عن وظيفةana abhasu 'an wazifa
She is a singerهي مطربةhiya mutreba
I was born in Julyأنا ولدت في يوليوana wuledtu fe yulyoo
I will visit you in Augustسوف أزورك في أغسطسsawfa azuruk fe aghustus
See you tomorrow!أراك غداaraka ghadan!
Today is Mondayاليوم هو الاثنينalyawm huwa alethnayn
Winter is very cold hereالشتاء بارد جدا هناashetaa' bared jedan huna
Yesterday was Sundayالأمس كان الأحدalams kana alahad
Black is his favorite colorالأسود هو لونه المفضلalaswad huwa lawnuhu almufazal
I have black hairشعري أسودsha'ri aswad
Red is not his favorite colorالأحمر ليس هو لونه المفضلalahmar laysa huwa lawnuhu almufazal
She drives a yellow carهي تقود سيارة صفراءhiya taqudu sayara safra'
The sky is blueالسماء زرقاءassama'u zarqa'
Your cat is whiteقطك أبيضqetuka abyad
It's freezingالجو بارد جداaljaw bared jeddan
It's coldالجو باردaljaw bared
It's hotالجو حارaljaw haar
So soالجو معتدلaljaw mu'tadel
Don't Go!لا تذهبla taz-hab!
Come here!تعال هناta'ala huna!
Go there!اذهب هناكez-hab ela hunaak
Enter (the room)!أدخلudkhul!
Be quiet!لا ترفع صوتكla tarfa' sawtak!
Turn rightانعطف يميناen'atef yameenan
Turn leftانعطف يساراen'atef yasaran
Go straightإذهب على طول ez-hab ala tool
Let's go!هيا بناhaya bena!
Be careful!كن حذراkun hazeran!
Sit down!إجلسejliss!
Let me show you!دعني اريكda'ni ureek!
Write it down!أكتبهاuktub-ha!
I can see the starsأنا أستطيع أن أرى النجومana astate' an ara anujum
I want to go to the beachأريد أن أذهب إلى الشاطئureedu an az-haba ela shate'
The moon is full tonightالقمرالليلة كاملalqamar alayla kaamel
This is a beautiful gardenهذه حديقة جميلةhazeh alhadeeka jameela
Can you close the door?هل يمكنك إغلاق الباب؟hal yumkenuk eghlaaq albaab?
Can you open the window?هل يمكنك فتح النافذة؟hal yumkenuk fat-h anaafeza?
I need to use the computerأنا بحاجة لاستخدام الكمبيوترana behaja lestekhdaam alkumpyooter
I need to use the toiletأنا بحاجة إلى استخدام المرحاضana behaja lestekhdaam almerhaad
I'm watching televisionأنا اشاهد التلفزيونana ushahed atelefezyoon
This room is very bigهذه الغرفة كبيرة جداhazeh alghurfa kabeera jeddan
You are happyأنت سعيدanta sa'eed
You are as happy as Mayaأنت سعيد كماياanta sa'eed ka-Maya
You are happier than Mayaأنت أسعد من ماياanta as'ad men Maya
You are the happiestانت الأسعدanta alas'ad


If you have any questions, please contact me If you simply want to ask a question, please Arabic contact form on the header above.

Here are the rest of the Arabic phrases: Arabic phrases, phrases 2, phrases 3. You can also simply click on one of the links below or go back to our Learn Arabic homepage.

Lessons Arabic Lessons
Linguistic Arabic Vocabulary
Culture Arabic Phrases
Structure Arabic Grammar